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All material supplied via JYX is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and duplication or sale of all or part of any of the repository collections is not permitted, except that material may be duplicated by you... more
This article presents the responses given in several schools of the 1st Cycle of the Basic Education Level (children aged 6 to 10 years) of the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon relating to the issue of integration of immigrant children and... more
RESUME Les défis pour une gestion durable des eaux pluviales urbaines dans les pays en dévéloppement sont considérables par rapport aux pays dévéloppés. Cet article utilise l´exemple de la ville de Porto Alegre pour analiser cette... more
The Constitution provides the ground rules to create obligations on the state and to transform the education system by introducing human rights in line with the best developed democracies. This article is not about state-compelled school... more
This article investigates the possibilities of implementing global education in national education by means of an often referred-to social learning theory ‘communities of practice’. The argumentation is supported by research conducted in... more
Tämän raportin tarkoituksena on kuvata perusopetuksen luokka-asteiden 6–9 oppilaanohjauksen tilaa syksyllä 2008 opetusministeriön rahoittaman oppilaanohjauksen kehittämisen käynnistyessä. Oppilaanohjauksen kehittäjätahoille (f = 148)... more
This literature review explores the extent of integrating educational technology in contemporary classroom environment among the ASEAN Member States focusing more on the undeveloped and developing countries. It describes the profile of... more
This research has studied the teachers employed at Basic Education according to their perceptions of their behavioural-instructional class management. In addition, their class management perceptions of the basic education teachers were... more
This paper was set out to assess the implementation of access to free and compulsory education in Nigeria. The issue of access to free and compulsory basic education as a right being the third attempt in the Nigerian democratic system of... more
This article analyzes the meanings of social justice as found in three plans of study for basic education (preschool 2004, secondary school 2006, and elementary school 2009). The selection of academic material is related to two issues.... more
Organizadores: Manoel Augusto Polastreli Barbosa, Michele de Oliveira Sampaio A obra coloca em evidência a necessidade de se refletir sobre o ensino e a educação básica neste período de instabilidade política. Os estudos aqui abordados... more
A educação básica no Brasil, desde a Constituição de 1988 e, com mais ênfase, nos últimos oito anos, vem sofrendo grandes mudanças. Analisá-la implica considerar determinadas preliminares como o pacto federativo, a desigualdade social, as... more
A new workbook for Senior High School in the Philippines From the back cover: "More than ever, religion has become an important issue in the world today. It affects much of our everyday and public life. Whether we are conscious of... more
The paper assesses the perception of the stakeholders on the integration of basic education into the curriculum of islamiyyah and ma'ahad schools in Nasarawa State. The research design used for this study was a survey research design,... more
Lately, basic school pupils have performed poorly in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) as well as in their end of term examinations and this necessitated an enquiry into the phenomenon. The study used the cross-sectional... more
El escrito esboza un análisis sobre la perspectiva filosófica o de las finalidades del curriculum de la educación básica, en aras de abrir la discusión sobre la trascendencia del diseño curricular, de cara a la discusión sobre el derecho... more
Escrito en el que se resaltan las aportaciones principales del material pensado para este tipo educativo en tres país países del mundo. FORMA DE CITACIÓN: -Segura, M. (2014). Presentación del libro Educación rural en Finlandia, Cuba y... more
Motorik halus adalah kemampuan untuk mengkoordinasi pengunaan gerakan mata dan tangan. Kegiatannya melibatkan gerakan secara halus yang melibatkan otot-otot kecil seperti mengambil benda kecil dengan ibu jari dan telunjuk, menggambar, dan... more
The K to 12 Basic Education program uses standards and a competency-based grading system. These are found in the curriculum guides. All grades will be based on the weighted raw score of the learners’ summative assessments. Senior High... more
The Constitutions of India and Pakistan guarantee justiciable human rights and incorporate the Directive Principles of State Policy. Fundamental rights are justifiable through courts, while the principles of policy enjoy immunity from... more
Life Sciences have always been a fundamental area of science. The exponential increase in the quantity of scientific information and the rate, at which new discoveries are made, require very elaborate, interdisciplinary and up-to-date... more
Arnis is a national sport, and learning about it is an excellent way to foster patriotism among students and teachers. Further, Arnis should remain an essential subject/lesson taught among Filipino learners despite the pandemic. The study... more
Cambodia has struggled to promote the access and quality of education in responding to the local needs and international mainstream of education goals. In general, there are number of positive progresses being made in term of enrollment... more
Mémoire de Master, Expertise en Coopération Internationale en Education et Formation sur le thème "Le suivi-évaluation du Plan Décennal de Développement de l'Education de Base; Diagnostic et perspectives" Dispositif de monitoring d'un... more
Background Due to the electronic media the amount of time that children spend in nature has declined in the recent time. However, it is important for children to learn about nature and it is also healthy for children to spend time in... more
The paper presents the findings from current research on the impact that the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) curriculum subjects have on two South African Schools in Gauteng province in South Africa. The aim is to... more
E-book ini merupakan tutorial Perintah Dasar Linux (Basic Command Line), biasa disebut juga Text Mode. E-book ini cocok buat Anda yang sudah mengenal Linux (menginstall, mengoperasikan) dan ingin mempelajari penggunaan perintah-perintah... more
In the last 20 years the Ethiopian education system has rapidly expanded, leading to a 500% increase in primary school enrolment. The Ministry of Education (MoE) has sought to address a perceived decline in educational quality through... more
The drive to improve basic education delivery in Nigeria has been given tremendous impetus in recent years. The goal of basic education can only be realised through provision of inclusive, equitable and quality education; several... more