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the 5 questions leaders ask themselves as they step in to NEW levels of influence and management.
The objective of the present study was to examine how motivation is related to academic achievement. The Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire was administered to 1,166 students at a polytechnic in Singapore as a measure for... more
This review paper is inclined towards elucidating and identifying patterns in different researches and their methodologies in studying school climate and student outcomes in the Indian context. Decades of research has facilitated the... more
This chapter excerpt provides a brief over view of social learning theory and some practical classroom applications.
Bir hedefi, ona ulaşabilmek için kullanılacak araçlarla birlikte ele alan kavram. Amaç, tıpkı hedefte olduğu gibi, insan faaliyetinin ulaşmaya çalıştığı sonucun zihinde önceden tasarlanmasıdır ve bu hedefe varmak için kullanılan araçlar,... more
Momentum for Ethiopia is an excellence charity association established by volunteer individuals in Jimma University and Jimma town. The visions and missions of the association and the main idea of momentum for Ethiopia is fully described... more
The Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) is a widely used self-report instrument to measure student motivation and learning strategies at the course-specific level (i.e., an individual course or subject domain). The... more
Any EPUB-format book is accessible for many disabilities but not necessarily accessible for all. Relatively minor changes can optimize accessibility, but the needs of print-impaired readers vary and not every book can provide every... more
About the Book This book is designed for the Personal Development of students in all levels of education. Discover: * How to Become an Outstanding Student- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible * How you can improve your academic... more
The purpose of this research was to meta-analyze studies which experimentally induced an achieve- ment goal state to examine its causal effect on the individual’s performance at the task at hand, and to investigate the moderator effects... more
Perfectionism has been shown to predict individual differences in achievement goal orientations in university students, but research on perfectionism and goal orientations in school students is still very limited. Investigating 584... more
Identification of performance requirements is important for successful development and deployment of the software product. The acceptance of the software product by the customer depends on the performance requirements which are... more
Free review copy of The Newest Secret | | Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic are important skills; but Dream literacy is a key skill to learn in order to be successful in school and in life.
Goal-setting theories, such as Achievement Goal Theory and Self-Determination Theory, help explain how goals within learning motivate students to become better at classwork. Focusing on performance-related goals has been shown to promote... more
The current study aimed to explore the concept of transition self-eecacy, which is deened as individuals' subjective evaluation of their ability to execute the actions required for a successful transition from elementary to middle school.... more
Business corporations usually require choreography of services to be dynamic and adaptable. One way for answering this demand is to develop the services having dynamic behaviours. However, it is not enough and their behaviours must be... more
During the past three decades, the achievement goal approach to achievement motivation has emerged as an influential area of research, and is dedicated to understanding the reasons behind the individual's drive to achieve competence... more
'Engagement' is becoming an increasing used term within the field of language teaching to explain the extent to which learners becomes actively involved in tasks. Recent TBLT research has focused upon measuring engagement using a... more
Location: JALT 2015 Conference, Shizuoka, Japan Date: November 21st, 2015. A lack of active student engagement within classroom discussions can be a common issue for teachers with large classes of low-level language learners. If they are... more
О том, какой смысл вкладывает общество и государство в образование детей-сирот, в настоящий момент говорится часто. Наша же задача – опираясь на существующие философские, научные, законодательные источники, понять, как такое образование... more
Motivation has been a heated topic in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) since 1970s. However, most of the motivational theories and research mainly focus on language and learner perspective. Little attention has been drawn to... more