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Our presentation considers the problems associated with assessment of problem-solving group work. In the experience carried out in our own classrooms with students aged 15-17 the assessment of open-ended group work is possible by means of... more
After the 9/11 terrorist attacks the term "strategic communication" became widely used by political and military leaders as well. Shortly, it became a kind of a 'buzzword'. As a result, today there are many definitions in use to describe... more
A central characteristic of the modern world consists of the growing dominance of artificial over natural problems. Human accumulation of power means that we are now capable of creating and destroying many things, including ourselves.... more
In: Fischer, Frank/Doug Torgerson/Michael Orsini/Anna Durnova (Hrsg.): Handbook of Critical Policy Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing, S. 241-258.
Border Control Effective governments have strong borders. The national government decides which persons and goods shall enter and which shall not. Failure to control a country’s borders leaves the wealth creating process inside the... more
Magic has been an important term in Western history and continues to be an essential topic in the modern academic study of religion, anthropology, sociology, and cultural history. 'Defining Magic' is the first volume to assemble key texts... more
The paper outlines the factors influencing the resilience of a policy solution in changing political context and moving definition of the public problem it aims at solving. The role of industrial actors in the promotion of a policy... more
To identify and conceptualize research problems in science, philosophers and often scientists rely on classical accounts of problems that focus on intellectual problems commonly defined in relation to theories. Recently, philosophers have... more
Design problems are often presented as structured briefs with detailed constraints and requirements , suggesting a fixed definition. However, past studies have identified the importance of exploring design problems for creative design... more
A complication is an event or occurrence that is associated with a disease or a healthcare intervention, is a departure from the desired course of events, and may cause, or be associated with, suboptimal outcome. A complication does not... more
Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal propor e discutir a produção e o uso de Histórias em Quadrinhos (HQs) como um processo de codificação-problematização-descodificação da realidade existencial da comunidade escolar local, de forma a... more
In linguistics, onomatopoeic words, which constitute one of the main areas of sound symbolism, differ from other words in the language in terms of their phonological, morphological and semantic features. The selection and sequence of... more
Le chapitre vise l'analyse critique de la définition de la transition énergétique par les acteurs engagés autour de quatre exemples de projets de développement d'hydrocarbures non conventionnels en France et au Québec. L'étude démontre... more
Problem desciption can be a thorny task, especially if we want others to work on our problems based on our description, for example when we are crowdsourcing solutions. This short essay provides somes basic guidelines for successful... more
A new method to discern which definitions of technical terms are correct, by contextualizing academic fields such as e-learning and English as a Foreign Language into their actual cultural/institutional, disciplinary, and... more
Ostensibly, the more details provided in the definition – the less ambiguous it becomes. But this is not true. Actually, the more details provided the more prone is the definition to be ambiguous. A definition must strive to be both... more
Unmanaged recreation presents a challenge to both researchers and managers of outdoor recreation in the United States because it is shrouded in uncertainty resulting from disagreement over the definition of the problem, the strategies for... more
Design problems are often presented as structured briefs with detailed constraints and requirements, suggesting a fixed definition. However, past studies have identified the importance of exploring design problems for creative design... more
Sažetak: U 20. veku se došlo do saznanja da edukativno-prosvećujuća funkcija humanističkih nauka ostaje bez rezultata i preti da u krajnjoj liniji izgubi svoj smisao, ukoliko se te nauke prethodno ne edukuju i prosvete u odnosu na same... more
We all always faces small and big problems in our lifetime. All people face the problem and also solve it. Sometimes someone encounters a small problem, someone gets caught in a big problem. But the problem is a problem. And it should be... more
The redefinition of what philosophy is generalizes the Nietzschean experiment. Indeed, if loving is more than mere endurance of a worthy cause or state and wisdom a perceiving unto understanding-not a consolation from a fear of the... more
Аннотация. В данной статье автор рассматривает наличие рас- ширительного определения термина «религия» в трудах предста- вителей русского православного богословия XX в.: П. А. Флоренского, С. Н. Булгакова и В. Ф. Рассматривая... more
You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality. — Walt Disney Many people within the design community are motivated by the conviction that “(In general)... more
The article is dedicated to the semiotic aspects of the procedure of definition, and among all there are pointed out the issues, concerned with the defining complex notions. The importance of definition to the organization of... more
Конференция "Кинематограф XXI века. Формы репрезентации реальности"
i nostri strumenti operativi e istituzionali sono inadeguati alla scala dei problemi che le nostre comunità devono affrontare: occorre partire dalla scala dei problemi per costruire strumenti nuovi di governo e di operatività: la scala è... more
The most dangerous of these vague words is shamanism.’ As the famous Arnold van Gennep wrote these words 1903, the term shamanism was already known for nearly 200 years in the western science – although the phenomenon wasn’t as old as... more
Even though a lot of public money and well-intended effort is invested to help multi-problem families (MPFs), success seems to be limited. The help that is offered to these families by a diverse set of organisations and professionals is... more
Intuition is commonly understood as knowledge acquired directly, immediately, self-referentially, non-conceptually, without the intercession of the intellect, unmediated by academic or scientific methodologies, or formal, disciplined,... more