Skip to main content I can tell you a little about shaming and shunning -- what types of people initiate it, the way it builds, and how it is maintained. I can also speak to... more
Author Buonanno, Thomas Anthony Title School Leadership for a Diverse Society Year Degree Awarded 2020 Department Educational Leadership Degree Ed.D. Abstract Given the increase of language minority students in school districts across... more
Research has begun to articulate actions of social justice leaders, but as a field we still know little about how a broad range of leaders view and enact equitable practice. In this study, we use a set of “leadership for equity" rubrics... more
Teaching reading is more complex than reading, especially when teaching students from minoritized communities. Teaching reading equitably requires educators to integrate their knowledge of skills involved in reading, assisting students to... more
The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research, Volume 11, 2022 Edited by Steven Kohm, Kevin Walby, Kelly Gorkoff, Katharina Maier and Alex Tepperman, The University of Winnipeg, Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice Studies... more
In this article, I propose the need to reimagine global citizenship education for a VUCA world: volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. In this context, it remains unclear what kind of GCE could adequately prepare young people for... more
"Re-imagining 21st century education is ambitious, an ambition born of a sadness as I reflect on a book written 30 years ago. And I shall of course fall far short of the ambition. Just to reiterate again the question raised in the... more
Theoharis, G. & Brooks, J. S. (Eds.) (2012). What every principal needs to know to create equitable and excellent schools. Teachers College Press: New York, NY.
The melting pot metaphor suggest that people from different backgrounds come to the United States and through the process of assimilation adapt to a new lifestyle integrating smoothly into the dominant culture. This article argues that... more
All material supplied via JYX is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and duplication or sale of all or part of any of the repository collections is not permitted, except that material may be duplicated by you... more
The main aim of the text is to discuss the expected consequences of the reform of education and of higher education from the perspective of implementing the welfare state. The welfare state is the main promise of the Law and Justice... more
The aim of this work is to test the hypothesis about the influence of students’ socio-economic status (SES) on their school achievement. Many studies, including PISA results, reveal positive correlation bet-ween students’ SES and their... more
Literacy without love is just words on a page, but educators can create real, actionable, and sustainable classroom practices rooted in love, in a time when we need it the most. O ur purpose in this commentary is to describe how school... more
Diversity Gap in Representation: An independent and comprehensive equity audit of the University of Alberta. The equity audit assessed the status of equity-seeking 'designated groups'–women, Aboriginal peoples, visible minorities and... more
A deep district-wide commitment to racial equity for African American male students, based on the framework of targeted universalism, has laid the foundation for expanding the focus to include African American girls, Latino/a students,... more
Este segundo informe sobre la situación de la infancia en Castilla y León pretende conocer mejor cómo viven las niñas, niños y adolescentes, así como los principales desafíos que enfrentan para los próximos años, especialmente en el... more
This research project was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in Canada. With a focus on examining the impact of COVID-19 on learning loss and extracurricular programs, the research explored how community-based... more
Global initiatives promoting cultural pluralism and education access for Indigenous and minoritized populations in the world have helped define education policy in countries like Peru for decades. Intercultural bilingual education (IBE)... more
Scripted curricula appealed to teachers' belief in fairness but obscured diversity. Equity was perceived as the same standards and content for all learners. Equity as sameness dismisses structural barriers of poverty, disability and race.... more
This toolkit will give you all of the materials that you need to plan, run, and reflect on your own male allies program. It will also provide you some resources that will help you reflect and build on the successes of that program to... more
This editorial provides an introduction to the first issue of the National Youth-At-Risk Journal. Information highlighted regarding the journal includes its mission, historical background and inspiration, and holistic aims and scope.... more
This brief provides a concise overview of the American Somali population; summarizes these students’ academic and social-emotional challenges along with related school supports; and describes practices to foster family and community... more
Based on a review of more than seventy recent studies, this brief describes these approaches, particularly as they apply to high school students who have been at risk of failing courses and exit examinations or dropping out due to a range... more
This study explores the association between school-level poverty rates and young peoples' perceptions of student empowerment, drawing on survey and administrative data from a large urban district. Participants included 29,318 diverse... more
In a time of rapid policy and curriculum change, teachers must be knowledge workers who continue to develop professionally. Professional learning networks (PLNs) offer teachers the opportunity to develop professionally by positioning them... more
Meritocracy functions in Singapore as the key principle of governance and educational distribution. However, the concept of meritocracy itself contains a number of inherent contradictions, most evidently witnessed in the tension between... more
Background/Context: Previous research has focused on the importance of a social justice leadership approach to improve schools that serve marginalized students, but less attention has been focused on potential dilemmas associated with... more
Í ljósi PISA-niðurstaðna sem birtar voru í dag (6. desember 2016) taldi ég vert að rifja upp þessa grein sem skrifuð var fyrir 10 árum. Annars vegar er gerð grein fyrir evrópsku jafnréttismatskerfi sem lagði grunninn að PISA (European... more
My plan for first months as new principal assigned to design the turnaround of a Syracuse, NY elementary school.
The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the indicators of educational inequality of rural disabled people in the provinces of the country, and what is the position of these students in education. Obviously, educational planning... more
This thesis explores a pedagogical enquiry that has transformed the way I think and the way I teach. I used a variety of critical and theatre theories to frame my enquiry and for four years consecutively, visited a non-government... more
This thesis examines pre-service teachers’ multicultural competence and the factors influencing its development, taking Greece as a case study. Multicultural competence is a concept used frequently to describe teachers’ knowledge,... more
African Nova Scotians constitute the largest multigenerational Black Canadian community, with 400 years of presence in Atlantic Canada. Despite the end of de jure school segregation in 1954, African Nova Scotians' social and cultural... more
As school boards across Ontario begin to implement de-streaming in high schools, it is an important time to examine information about students’ trajectories. This report offers an in-depth examination of students’ trajectories between... more
The Flint water crisis was a preventable tragedy that has decimated an entire community. This crisis is particularly appalling because Flint is an Environmental Justice community –a community in which the majority of its residents are... more
"Across Europe there are growing concerns about Islamophobia and far-right and anti-democratic movements. Until Anders Behring Breivik’s July 2011 attacks in which 77 died, Norway’s vulnerability was not perceived as great as that of... more
Tom Malarkey draws from his experience as an inquiry coach for the Bay Area Coalition for Equitable Schools (BayCES, now the National Equity Project) to suggest a framework for teacher-researchers and leaders conducting inquiry for... more
With the recommendations provided here, educators can better meet the needs of transnational students, particularly those U.S.-born children returning with their families to Mexico.