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Abstrak: Hak pendidikan merupakan hak untuk semua seperti yang telah dinyatakan oleh Bank Dunia. Pendidikan merupakan satu keperluan yang penting kepada seseorang individu samada untuk membantu pergaulan sosial individu tersebut dengan... more
The principal aim of this article is to lead discussion on the relevance of literature in a language class and propose guidelines to language teachers to deal with a literary text for pedagogical purpose. Here, pedagogical purpose will be... more
The present paper attempts to draw the attention on the role of character in successful implementation of RTE. The adequate literature review and live cases from the fields of formal education, character education and RTE approves that... more
This is a long version of: Beiter, K.D. (2020) Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations to “Civilize” Intellectual Property Law: Access to Textbooks in Africa, Copyright, and the Right to Education. Journal of World Intellectual... more
This study analyses and explores how the current education system with its uncoordinated diverse streams is increasing discrimination and non-equality in the society, and consequently how the narrow understanding of Right to Education has... more
Decentralisation plays a vital role in school management. It makes local community involved in planning and decision making in school affairs at grassroot level. After the commencement of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education... more