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Over the last decade and a half, classrooms have become swamped with a range of electronic devices. Technology will continue to be more efficient, more versatile and indeed more abundant in schools and in classrooms. This study explores... more
The main objective of this study is to develop a self-report instrument to measure pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the extent to which they experience the necessary support and training in order to integrate technology into classroom... more
The objective of the ICT for Language Learning conference is to promote the sharing of good practice and transnational cooperation in the field of the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Language Learning... more
In the 21st century, education needs to be given serious thoughts and discussions needs to be given to the future of human society. This means that the function of education on which human progress depends in Africa, to a large extent... more
W artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki dwóch studiów empirycznych, których celem było zbadanie stosunku przyszłych nauczycieli do nowych edukacyjnych rozwiązań TIK. Studia ta ukazują, że podejście nauczycieli do TIK kształtowane jest nie... more
A perspectiva teórica da ecologia dos meios, abordada por McLuhan (1962), Postman (1970) e Ong (1982), compreende as mídias como ambientes culturais imersivos, em que os aspectos relacionais ganham relevância. Migrando o foco dos efeitos... more
The pivot from a hybrid learning environment to a fully online one brings to the fore questions of fairness and equity for marginalized individuals and groups of students at our minority-majority university. Because effective distance... more
Teaching and learning has become quite difficult at this time of era when students are showing more interest in communicational technologies such as Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp, published internet contents, mobile phones for instant... more
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
Although the use of digital technologies in teacher education has reached advanced stages in the developed world, it is still in its infancy in many developing countries, including Uganda. In their struggle to advance the use of digital... more
This study focuses on teachers' perspectives concerning information literacy teaching in two primary schools in Israel-one school that joined the national information and communications technology program and a second school that did not.... more
Guest lecture to third year BEd students.  Numeracy, ICTs and pedagogy - using TPACK as a lens what does learning look like in  the sweet spot when content, pedagogical and technological knowledge productively collide?
This paper presents the most relevant results from a national study about the availability and use of ICT in 46 Initial Teacher Education institutions in Chile, implemented during 2009 as part of the OECD (Organization for Economic... more
Resumen La participación activa del alumnado en los centros escolares resulta esencial para su formación como ciudadanos. Para ello es preciso conocer cuáles son sus demandas y propuestas de acción que permitan encontrar las debilidades y... more
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
As a global community, we are faced with the stark reality that we are inevitably becoming technology-dependent societies as digital technologies create new opportunities and challenges for skills development globally, in both developed... more
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
Este marco referencial forma parte de un proyecto doctoral actualmente en curso en la línea de investigación sobre redes de conocimiento y aprendizaje, específicamente en el área de sistemas de gestión del conocimiento y contenidos.... more
The Teachers’ Portal ( is an online platform for Bangladeshi teachers designed to store and retrieve digital educational contents of different subjects useful for classroom teaching ...
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
ICT plays a very important role in education and, thus, many countries have developed policies to incorporate ICT into education delivery in schools. As ICT has proven to be very relevant in the field of... more
Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) han sido durante muchos años protagonistas en el ámbito educativo. Las TIC han sido vistas durante mucho tiempo como generadoras de esa necesaria transformación de la educación,... more
Hubbard (2007) noted that contemporary language teachers not only need to have competent theoretical knowledge and social power, but they must also be responsible for the maintenance and growth of their technological proficiency. In this... more
Resumen: El presente artículo analiza la importancia de la presencia de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje dentro del Marco Europeo de Educación Superior. Europa ha seguido... more
Information and communication technology (ICT) today has a huge impact on the way of life and the functioning of the world in which we live. The possibilities that ICT brings, change the established attitudes towards numerous existential... more
The technological revolution has prompted a fundamental shift in our understanding of pedagogy and its related practices. ICT-enabled instructional strategy promotes learner-centred approach and optimal learning. This paper discusses... more
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
Внедрение информационно-коммуникационных технологий в профессиональную деятельность педагогов является приоритетным направлением модернизации российского образования в связи с введением новых профессиональных стандартов. Проанализированы... more
У статті висвітлено проблему використання міжнародних наукометричних баз даних у науково-дослідницькій діяльності як web-орієнтованих ресурсів і сервісів, що є засобами оприлюднення та розповсюдження результатів наукових досліджень.... more
Abstrakt: Digitální kompetence jsou nedílnou součástí kvalifikace speciálních pedagogů. V roce 2015 proběhl čtvrtý ročník celoevropské kampaně e-Skills for Jobs 2015 iniciovaný Generálním ředitelstvím pro podniky a průmysl Evropské... more
Digital assessment tools, or electronic classroom response systems, can be used effectively for formative assessment purposes. They can provide teachers with regular and instant feedback about learners' progress to detect and fix the... more
Badanie „Zdalne nauczanie a adaptacja do warunków społecznych w czasie epidemii koronawirusa” to badanie ilościowe z komponentem jakościowym. Realizowane było online łącznie w 34 szkołach podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych z całej Polski od... more
Разглеждат се възможностите на различни технологии за поддържане на електронно портфолио на студенти от педагогическите специалности. под редакцията на приф. Д. Стойчева Електронното поргфалио е резултат от проект на катедра Методика на... more
The impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) English Language Teaching (ELT) is undeniable. This paper addresses BA students' and teachers' perspectives of the use of ICT in their daily academic life. Using an on-line... more
The purpose of the study reported in this article was to analyse the relationship between teachers’ educational beliefs and typical approaches to computer use in the classroom. In this context, the question arises whether particular... more
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
The paper explores the possibility of enhancing the competencies and skills , by a systemetic incorporation of Multiple Intelligences in the Classrooms, reinforced through the MI laboratory.The research based article throws light on how... more
This paper examines adaptation process and position of current higher educational institutions initiatives for quality assessment and competition for twenty first century challenges. Key objective of this study is to examine twenty... more
The goal of the research was to assess the level of Digital Literacy (DL) among teachers. The study was diagnostic in order to show DL in six selected key areas: the ergonomics of using ICT, assessing the credibility of information,... more
The past three decades have seen the widespread use of information and communications technology (ICT) in different aspects of society and especially in educational systems in both developed and developing countries. This presentation... more
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
This review was designed to further our understanding of the link between teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and their educational uses of technology. The synthesis of qualitative findings integrates the available evidence about this... more