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Concerning and involving all communities, having social, economic, and political aspects, always keeping its currency, the globalization process and the accompanying technological developments have greatly influenced the labour markets... more
Alternative Unemployment Measurements in Turkey and in the World: Broad Definition of Unemployment and Labour Underutilization Abstract Unemployment measurement methods are of great importance in terms of understanding and interpreting... more
The Work Profiler is an instrument that indicates a job seeker's probability of work resumption within a year. In addition, it offers a quick diagnosis of the job seeker's obstacles for return to work. The Work Profiler was developed... more
AFTER the optimism which followed the falling of the Berlin Wall, one has found out that the alternative to Cold War wasn't the Global Peace. Regional conflicts have grown stronger, becoming more intense than ever. At several levels,... more
This paper comparatively analyses the impact and functionality of the Federal Recognition Act as well as the external examination. Both approaches can foster labour mobility into and within the German labour market. Focusing on horizontal... more
The paper compares the experience of unem-ployment in Britain with that in three former state socialist societies – Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, countries with relatively recent welfare systems, providing a low level of... more
In recent years, the use of direct measures of deprivation alongside current income has shown,that the latter provide a rather ,imperfect measure ,of permanent ,income ,or command,over resources. Research has shown ,though that the... more
This paper presents and evaluates two interpretations of the eastern German labour market. These interpretations are called `wage gap’ and `innovation gap’. The former follows standard neoclassical thinking and regards high eastern German... more
Ireland is distinguished by the high degree of openness of its labour market and the importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the economy. We develop a neo-classical growth model to explore the consequence of these characteristics... more
The issues of consumer rights and consumer welfare are increasingly important, especially in the current economic climate in which the ability to make informed choices represents a real advantage in consumers’ daily life. In order to make... more
... The increased diversity of people in organizations provides an appearance of change in thedomestic balance of power while it supports the ... In the context of a liberalized global labour market, increased efficiency may be used to... more
This novel application of spatial wage theory to health service labour markets analyses the competitiveness of nurse's pay and how this differs between local labour markets in Britain. A switching regression model is estimated to... more
The low mobility of people in Europe is considered a problem for adjustment to asymmetric shocks and regional convergence in the European Monetary Union. We suggest a complement to the traditional migration theories, the insider... more
Cheap labour plays a vital role in today’s global competitive economies by creating huge profit opportunities for employers through two ways: Capital flows into undeveloped and developing countries for employing the cheap labour; and... more
To interrogate the factors and circumstances which may have influenced the changing patterns of industrial disputes over the period 2006 to 2015, and to identify a framework of analysis that helps to de-construct a meta narrative. The... more
This chapter explores dynamics of regional migration governance within the former Soviet Union. It examines relevant processes of inter-state cooperation and regional integration leading to the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union... more
The aim of this article is to describe social impact bonds as an innovative instrument for financing social services. The first part presents the nature of this solution in its economic, institutional and legal aspects. Then we analyse... more
This weekly brief is not only about the mismatch of skills in our global labour market, but also how factors such as coronavirus disease will affect it, why children need to play musical instruments and some guidelines for our children in... more
In our first report in Skills Next, we look at top research and skills training programs that are succeeding internationally, and highlight for Canadian policymakers key features driving success. The future of work will disrupt... more