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Tämän raportin tarkoituksena on kuvata perusopetuksen luokka-asteiden 6–9 oppilaanohjauksen tilaa syksyllä 2008 opetusministeriön rahoittaman oppilaanohjauksen kehittämisen käynnistyessä. Oppilaanohjauksen kehittäjätahoille (f = 148)... more
Feminist approaches to evaluation seek to unpack the nature of gender and social inequalities; treat evaluation as a political activity, not as a value-free assessment; and use it as part of the change process. In response to the... more
This panel presentation was presented at the 2018 CES Conference in Calgary, Canada. Developmental evaluation continues to emerge as an evaluation practice designed to support innovation in complex and dynamic contexts where a program or... more
Learning Management System (LMS) has become an integral part of education technology in every institution. Almost all the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are using LMS to facilitate their teaching and learning processes. The study... more
This report examines the effectiveness of a shared apprenticeship model (SAM) to address system-wide challenges in the delivery of apprenticeship training to electricians in the province of Ontario. It synthesizes findings from a... more
Since 2008, the government of South Australia has been using a Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach to achieve their strategic plan (South Australia Strategic Plan of 2004). In this commentary, we summarize some of the strengths and... more
In 2015-2016, the apartheid survivors' organisation Khulumani Support Group in the Western Cape (KSGWC) and its partner the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR) set out to explore new ways for a victims' group and a... more
A project to formalise and expand Academic Advising has been implemented at the UCD Civil Engineering School. The goals of this project were twofold: on the one hand, it aimed at training faculty members in Academic Advising roles and... more
Underpinned by the nation-wide Early Learning STEM Australia (ELSA) project, this practice illustration presents a design framework to respond to the challenges of scaling and sustaining a large design-based research project. The... more
Evaluation that supports strategic learning applies evaluation findings as well as non-evaluation data in order to improve a strategy. Tools to support the practice of evaluation for strategic learning have yet to be articulated, in part... more
This is an executive summary of action research with the International Centre of Excellence: Community Resilience in Wellington, New Zealand. Visual Monitoring and Evaluation Planning was adapted to plan new research activities between... more
Social innovation has gained prominence as a way to address social problems and needs. Evaluators and social innovators are conceptualizing and implementing evaluation approaches for social innovation contexts; however, no systematic... more
L’evaluation developpementale (ED), une approche concue par Patton pour soutenir le deploiement des innovations demeure peu experimentee en recherche. Cet article presente une experience d’application de l’ED dans le cadre d’une recherche... more