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Open source software (OSS) in academia can have multiple types of implementations and positive returns. This paper explores the use of OSS as a method to teach entrepreneurship concepts and practices to Science, Technology, Engineering,... more
Multicore embedded systems introduce new opportunities and challenges. Scaling of computational power is one of the main reasons for a transition to a multicore environment. Parallel design patterns, such as Map Reduce, Task Graph, Thread... more
This study focuses on the Linux as a rapidly growing operating system and the ability to help many Windows to Linux migrants, Linux users, students and a few Linux networking administrators face the problem of quickly learning Linux... more
This work analyses the impact of the server operating system on the overall performance of hosted web sites. In the paper, we are presenting the results of comparing the influence of the two most common server operating system families,... more
DDoS threats have been around ever since the Internet took over half of global communications, posing the real problem of denial of access to online service providers. Recently, a new trend has emerged in non-Windows DDoS attacks that has... more
A nyílt forráskódú szoftverfejlesztés kialakulása az 1990-es évek egyik legfontosabb fejleménye volt az információtechnológiai (IT) szektorban, melynek hatásai mára jóval túlmutatnak az infokommunikációs technológiák szegmensén. Az... more
Basic differences between linux and network os along with definitions
This tutorial is a part of the Learn to Analyze Data in Bash Shell and Linux Book
Panduan cara menggunakan vps linux untuk pemula dengan menggunakan ssh client putty
This is a good read and it shows lot of links from which you can learn more .
Sun Microsystems Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Steve McGowan commented, “We achieved impressive operational improvements in fiscal 2005 . . . our 16th consecutive year of generating positive cash flow from operations.” Sun Microsystems... more
Banyak masyarakat saat ini sudah mengenal apa itu sistem operasi atau yang biasa kita sebut OS, bahkan tidak jarang yang mengetahui secara lengkap urutan versi dari sistem operasi tersebut. Sistem operasi bertugas melakukan kontrol dan... more
Modern workloads often exceed the processing and I/O capabilities provided by resource virtualization, requiring direct access to the physical hardware in order to reduce latency and computing overhead. For computers interconnected in a... more
This conceptual note deals with how Linux (and particularly Linux kernel development) is a fascinating case study of collaborative intelligence, how it incorporates elements of biological evolution and its sociological impacts on us not... more
Authentification via LDAP et FreeRadius : Portail captif : pfsense Utilisateur : LDAP Autorisation : FreeRadius Psense se focalise sur l'authentification de l'utilisateur qui utilise le réseau avec un formulaire de connexion. LDAP est... more
Solución del Examen de Fundamentos de Linux SEGUNDA EVALUACIÓN II - término  2015-2016
Instalacija i prvi koraci sa Linuxom, mogu biti, ispočetka velik izazov, posebice ukoliko godinama koristite Windows operativni sistem, gdje se mnogo toga rješava aplikacijama sa grafičkim interfejsom. Obzirom da su instalacije većine... more
While there are many flavors of UNIX around, open source Linux is popular. Why choose Gentoo? Reliability, customization, and a lean configuration.
Mari Belajar Aplikasi Gimp
This paper presents benchmarks regarding a web application that aims at displaying and visualizing a dataset for air quality monitoring, experimenting using two different programming languages. Specifically, an application is developed... more
Dalam teknologi internet sekarang ini, WEB SERVER merupakan hal yang sangat berperan penting. Pengetahuan dan pengertian tentang WEB SERVER merupakan hal yang mutlak harus dimiliki oleh seorang operator internet. Mulai dari sistem operasi... more
Comunicar un sistema nativo Windows 7 con dos sistemas operativos corriendo en una máquina virtual usando (VirtualBox), los dos sistemas operativos restantes serán: Windows Xp y Linux Ubuntu.
La plateforme Cyberini est basée sur un constat inquiétant : de plus en plus de cyberattaques nous visent tous les jours, avec des piratages de plus en plus nombreux et des pertes de données de plus en plus couteuses pour les victimes (en... more
Este libro es producto de las experiencias de numerosos cursos y charlas impartidos en toda Republica Dominicana por su autor Antonio Perpiñan, presidente de la Fundación Código Libre Dominicano. Este libro es el producto de la... more
Операционная система предоставляет выполняющимся в ее среде программам набор сервисов, обращаясь к которым, они могут запрашивать выполнение каких-либо операций. Сервисы реализуются в виде библиотечных функций и системных вызовов. В... more
The promising IEEE 802.11s protocol for wireless mesh networks, although it has been ratified since 2011, has not yet achieved the adaptation it should have, while one of the main reasons it was created, which was the unification of... more