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This paper discusses the way in which governance structures in higher education institutions have changed as a consequentie of the rise of the Stakeholder Society. The researchers examine changes in the stakeholders' roles in Flemish... more
ABSTRACT Whereas participatory processes have been advised as decision support to environmental management worldwide, the way different ways of organizing them influence outcomes of such processes have not been sufficiently addressed. In... more
A creative approach to sustainability can be applied upon an organization's business model. We begin our research with the assumption that business model innovation that takes into account a triple bottom line approach will be more... more
The process of education is concerned chiefly with the interaction between the stakeholders (students, teacher, professional bodies, libraries, PTAs and other parent organizations together with the classroom practices that occur within... more
The contemporary business environment can be particularly challenging for boards and business leaders seeking to think and act strategically, and also embrace social and environmental responsibilities and the concerns of a wider range of... more
Sustainable development has received worldwide attention. Recent studies on corporate environmental behavior have called for research from the specific stakeholder's perspective (i.e., consumer) on the topic of going green. Based on... more
The California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative (MLPAI) is currently working toward establishing a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for the entire state. Since 2005, we have developed several web-based decision support tools... more
Global climate action plans risk resulting to climate maladaptation and shocks when prudent measures are inapt. Adaptation strategies require multidisciplinary approach from all sectors with periodic monitoring and evaluation which are... more
It is imperative for corporations to be cognizance of all its stakeholders; within or without. Corporate governance has championed so many courses in terms of the management of these stakeholders by developing and reviewing codes in other... more
Construction mega-projects are typically associated with cost overruns and time delays due to conflicts of interest between diverse stakeholders. This research investigates the influence of the partnering approach and the adoption of... more
USM has envisioned " sustainability " as a core development theme of the university in light of global sustainability issues. In becoming a world-renowned university for sustainability, USM facilitates sustainability attainment... more
This paper presents and discusses the role of community engagement, i.e. attitudes of local stakeholders, engagement of elected officers and pricing, towards the success of water reuse on the island of Bora Bora, French Polynesia. To... more
As estratégias de desenvolvimento dos territórios têm assentado nas oportunidades do turismo, essencialmente na valorização dos recursos endógenos. Para o desenvolvimento sustentável de um destino turístico devem ser articuladas várias... more
No âmbito da gestão de projetos a gestão de stakeholders tem fundamental importância, pois o maior desafio de um gerente de projetos é construir um relacionamento positivo com as partes interessadas de seus projetos, garantindo o suporte... more
What does it feel like to walk into your school? Is it a welcoming place, where everyone feels valued? Most school improvement efforts focus on academic goals. But sometimes what can make or break your learning community are the... more
1. Recent national and international policy initiatives have aimed to reduce the exposure of humans and wildlife to lead from ammunition. Despite restrictions, in the UK, lead ammunition remains the most widespread source of environmental... more
Despite the claims on how stakeholders could benefit from electronic marketplaces (eMarketplaces), the actual user take-up of eMarketplaces have been modest and in many cases even failed to deliver their promises. We believe this is due... more
"Partnering for Sustainable Development: Guidelines for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships to Implement the 2030 Agenda in Asia and the Pacific" was prepared jointly by the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of... more
This study was conducted to assess three stakeholders’ level of involvement in coral reef conservation activities in Perhentian Island. The stakeholders participated in this study encompassed of the Besut District Department of Marine... more
... external agencies such as Teenage Pregnancy Coordinators and local sexual health services), respond to ... and special schools, SRE was seen as an integral part of PSHE ... Fourth, with Citizenshipeducation being a statutory... more
Date: 2008-11-5 Level:           C thesis in Business Administration, 15ECT Authors:   Beatrice Yola Konlaan       Prince kofi Hanson Tutor:           Mats Viimne Title:             Th ...