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ABSTRACT & RÉSUMÉ & ZUSAMMENFASSUNG : Although Britain has been so far the hardest hit among the EU member states by the corona pandemic, Johnson persists to leave the EU at the end of 2020, whatever the cost. Presumably, the pandemic... more Présentée comme essentiellement rurale, l’Afrique de l’Ouest s’urbanise rapidement à la fois en... more
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre... more
Ülke sınırları dışındaki enerji vizyon ve hedefleri noktasında Türkiye için en önemli odak coğrafyalardan biri hiç kuşkusuz Sahraaltı Afrika bölgesidir. Gerek nüfus gerekse kaynak zenginliği anlamında önemli bir potansiyeli ihtiva eden... more
Ms. Dar al-kutub 193 est-il une source des impressions d'Al fasl fi usul 'ilm al raml réalisées au Caire ? Oui, elle l'est partiellement. Dans la mesure où, par une collation sur la page de titre, celles-ci disent s’appuyer sur plusieurs... more
Cet article est finalisé dans l'immédiat de l'attentat d'Istanbul du 12 janvier 2016 dont le bilan officiel fait état d'au moins 10 morts et de 15 blessés. Cet attentat dont l'auteur est – de nouveau – l'État islamique (Daech) a touché un... more
Az Afrika Tanulmányok folyóirat különszámaként megjelenő kiadvánnyal rendhagyó módon formát is bontottunk, hiszen a mérete és vizuális világa is eltér a megszokott tudományos számoktól – ez is volt a világos célunk vele! Azt szeretnénk,... more
Il Grand Inga Dam Project rappresenta un mastodontico progetto idroelettrico sul fiume Congo dal costo stimato di circa 80 miliardi di dollari. Il grosso della spesa dovrebbe essere sostenuto dalla Cina, mentre in minima parte alcune... more
This project focuses on how one makes a case for the using RE as alternative building technology for social housing in informal settlements in SA.To make a strong case, it is important to establish the credentials of RE as a... more
The Sahel, an African territory 5000 km long and between 100 and 1000 km width, is today one of the most important matters of concern for Europe and, for the time being, the European citizens are not enough aware about the problem.
Monografia składa się z dziesięciu rozdziałów dotyczących regionów świata: Europa Eurazja Islam Indie Azja Wschodnia Azja Południowo-Wschodnia Australia i Oceania Ameryka Północna Ameryka Łacińska Afryka Subsaharyjska --- Z... more
L’objectif de cet article est de voir comment une religion peut influencer la perception de la maladie, sa cause, sa signification ou encore la manière d’en venir à bout chez des vodouisant béninois. Dans la religion vaudou, la maladie... more
Cultural property symbolises a nation’s identity and culture. The Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP) at its... more
In 2015, the release of a Regional Action Plan updating the EU Sahel Strategy triggered the progressive apparition of a new paradigm: regionalisation. Building on the implementation of a comprehensive approach in Sahel, this paradigm... more
Mémoire de Master, Expertise en Coopération Internationale en Education et Formation sur le thème "Le suivi-évaluation du Plan Décennal de Développement de l'Education de Base; Diagnostic et perspectives" Dispositif de monitoring d'un... more
In the light of the enormous challenge that urbanisation processes in West Africa represent – urban growth driven by poverty (not opportunity), a big and growing number of settlements without infrastructure (sanitation, access to safe... more
Abstract: The abundance of manuscripts of Andalusi’s authors and works is a part of the great amount of Arab manuscripts that exist in Timbuktu and its region. The presence of all these manuscripts and their great amount are two questions... more
Youth in Africa are living a much challenging period in a very changing environment with 200 million people aged between 15 and 24 years of age. This young population of Africa particularly in Sub Saharan Africa is facing the highest... more
«L’Afrique doit faire confiance à l’Afrique» : telle est aussi la déclaration du Roi du Maroc Mohammed VI à Abidjan lors du Forum Maroco-Ivoirien de 2013.Pour joindre les paroles à l’acte, le Maroc a en effet depuis quelques années fait... more
Ces dernières années, l’usage de méthodes mixtes pour évaluer les interventions de santé en Afrique subsaharienne a considérablement augmenté. Malgré le fort potentiel des méthodes mixtes pour l’évaluation de la complexité de ce type... more
Analyse de l'impact de l'agrobusiness sur l'équilibre entre respect des personnes et de l'environnement et croissance économique
Residents in Lagos are often stunned by developments in their city: new residential estates are springing up without tarred access roads and appropriate drainage canals for flood water. Riverine areas along the lagoon used as fishing... more
In West-Africa as elsewhere, disabled women’s sex life remains highly affected by risks of sexual violence and unprotected sex. Even if authors who have studied the issue tend to assert that they are more prone to sexual related risks in... more
Human society is a complex nonequilibrium system that changes and develops constantly. Complexity, multivariability, and contradictions of social evolution lead researchers to a logical conclusion that any simplification, reduction, or... more
Migrants from developing countries started to enter Italy by the mid-1970s, but the migratory inflow became important only during the second half of the 1980s, when it was estimated at more than 100,000 people per year. Few migrants... more
In 2011, the European Union published its first integrated framework to address a regional crisis in Africa: the Sahel strategy. It aims at enforcing the principles of the comprehensive approach by using CSDP military and civilian... more
This project is designed to examine the overall benefits of mining to local communities in Ghana through the lens of community benefits agreements (CBAs) in order to make policy recommendations to the Government of Ghana. CBAs are an... more
Accepted paper for international conference "The Spanish Flu 1918-1998: Reflections on the Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919 after 80 Years", Cape Town 12-15 September 1998: During research for an interregional comparative study on... more
La migration estudiantine religieuse d’Afrique vers le monde arabe est ancestrale. Parmi les destinations-phares, on compte l’Université de la Zitouna à Tunis, bien que son prestige ait souffert de la politique religieuse séculière des... more
Por uma Geografia das Áfricas em movimentos O grupo de estudos e pesquisa Espaços e Sociedades na África Subsaariana – GeoÁfrica, criado em 2020 e vinculado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia (PPGG) da Universidade Federal do Rio... more
The research on which this report is based was commissioned by the MasterCard Foundation (MCF). The aim of the research, as set out in the MCF Terms of Reference, is to provide an overview of international approaches, best practice and... more
Ce chapitre a pour objectif de vérifier s'il est possible d'analyser et évaluer le rique selon la définition ISO 31010 à l'échelle de village, à partir d'un système d'information hybride alimenté par des informations détectées par... more
This introduction highlights the contribution of the special issue to a radical contex-tualisation of the history of the enslaved. In particular, it suggests that the conditions and circumstances that foster or hamper practices of... more
La colonisation de l’hinterland africain par les puissances européennes entre le XIXe et le XXe s’accompagne de la création des sphères d’influences délimitées par des frontières. Celles-ci divisent les peuples africains ayant en commun... more
Ceci est un mémoire de recherche sur les variables capables de supporter ou de bloquer le processus de démocratisation en Mauritanie. L'étude se limite sur la période 2008 à 2014 tout en faisant quelques digressions de part et d'autres de... more
En esta edición se aborda el ascenso del nacionalismo y el autoritarismo como parte de una tendencia mundial, con particularidades específicas según el contexto político y social y en un momento aumento de los gastos de los militares y... more
Collaborative Damage is an experimental ethnography of Chinese globalization that compares data from two frontlines of China's global intervention—sub-Saharan Africa and Inner/Central Asia. Based on their fieldwork on Chinese... more
Abstracts of International Conference “Elections in Africa”. First joint Conference of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Centre of African Studies of the Porto University in the “Internal Changes... more
Özet: 2016 yılında zorunlu nedenlerle ülkesinden ayrılmak zorunda kalan (refugee) 25,9 milyon İnsanın 3,1 milyonuna Türkiye ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Türkiye sınır komşusu olan Suriye'de yaşanan iç savaştan kaçan Suriyelilere sınır... more
La première partie de cette étude dresse un bilan sévère de l’APSA. Toutefois, le fait que cette dernière ne remplisse pas les fonctions qui lui sont assignées n’a en soi rien de choquant, tant la tâche est immense. La question serait... more