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The recognition of symbols in graphic documents is an intensive research activity in the community of pattern recognition and document analysis. A key issue in the interpretation of maps, engineering drawings, diagrams, etc. is the... more
One of the major challenges in camera document analysis is to deal with the page curl and perspective distortions. In spite of the prevalence of dewarping techniques, no standard for their performance evaluation method exists with most of... more
An extensive literature survey on automated assessment and handwriting recognition has shown that no work has been done in addressing the area of assessment of handwritten exam scripts. This paper therefore introduces the novel concept of... more
This paper shares the finding of a comparative analysis of the ESL/ELD curriculum Grades 9 -12 (OME, 2007a) (ESL/ELD) and the FSL curriculum Grades 9 -12 (OME, 2014) (FSL) focused on the Ontario Ministry of Education’s (OME) global... more
Deep ocean water (DOW) is commonly referred to as the water below photic zone in the ocean that is typically cold, clean, stable, and rich in nutrients. Japan and the United States have been exploiting the DOW for utilization in water,... more
As part of an evaluation of an ongoing initiative to train faculty to teach online, semistructured interviews were conducted to identify areas of need and faculty satisfaction. The data indicated that the majority of faculty placed a high... more
À partir d’une enquête ethnographique au Musée national d’art moderne, cet article explore les enjeux de la documentation des collections : chaque œuvre possède en effet son dossier, où sont consignées toutes les informations qui... more
This article explores the practices undertaken by early childhood development practitioners (ECDPs) to support poor and vulnerable children from birth to four years outside centre‐based provision. The article draws on part of a UNICEF... more
This paper presents a method for vectorizing the graphical parts of paper-based line drawings. The method consists of separating the input binary image into layers of homogeneous thickness, skeletonizing each layer, segmenting the... more
Spätestens seit dem Wirbel um GPT-3 sind Textgeneratoren, Chatbots und andere intelligente Sprachsysteme aus gegenwärtigen Technologiedebatten nicht mehr wegzudenken. Dank des enormen Fortschritts auf diesem Gebiet werden wir zukünftig... more
There is still a continuing discussion about the effects of the violent cartoons to the young audiences. Many published and unpublished journals and articles were already made by the professional researchers and scholars about this issue.... more
The Hough transform provides a robust technique for skew detection in document images, but suffers from high time complexity which becomes prohibitive for detecting skew in large documents. Analysis of time complexity on various stages of... more
A detailed assignment and example in examining a written document common to the workplace as a boundary object or an assemblage document, employing Activity Theory and Actor Network Theory.
Lambert M. (2019) (Ed.) Practical Research Methods in Education: An Early Researcher’s Critical Guide. Abingdon: Routledge.
Lambert M. (2019) (Ed.) Practical Research Methods in Education: An Early Researcher’s Critical Guide. Abingdon: Routledge.
"Die vorliegende Publikation nimmt die Perspektive der betroffenen Kinder im Kinderschutz ein und geht der der Frage nach, inwieweit deren Bedürfnisse und Wünsche bei der Gestaltung des Hilfeprozesses Berücksichtigung finden und... more