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The paper assesses the perception of the stakeholders on the integration of basic education into the curriculum of islamiyyah and ma'ahad schools in Nasarawa State. The research design used for this study was a survey research design,... more
In the almajiri system of education, male children are sent to far away places to acquire Islamic education at the tender ages of between four and nine years. This system of Islamic education has been in existence since the inception of... more
Child labour refers to engagement of a child below 18years in work that is harmful to his well-being and prevents him from going to school. over 15 million children in the world are against in child labour. In Nigeria there are 6.5... more
A person who leaves his house primarily to seek for knowledge is called Al-Muhajir meaning the migrant. This Arabic word was borrowed by Hausas and mispronounced as Almajiri. Just like Sakkwato and Brasil are wrongly pronounced as Sokoto... more
Despite the policy of a free and compulsory education, about 9 million school aged children in Nigeria are currently not served by this policy. This research is an attempt to make visible the experiences of school aged Muslim boys who are... more
Over the last three and a half decades, HIV/AIDS pandemic has been one of the topical public health issues in Nigeria. The use of ICT, or online media in combatting the scourge in the country needs no further emphasis especially because... more
The paper assesses the perception of the stakeholders on the establishment of a model almajiri schools in Nasarawa State. The research design used for this study was a survey research design, which involves the collection of data from... more
Almajiranci, Islamic-based system of education in Northern Nigeria involves boys as young as seven being sent off to study and memorise the Qur'an under the tutelage of a Malam. It is currently a topic of great debate in Nigerian society... more
Panel Abstract Islamic religious infrastructure has had – and continues to have – great importance for processes of socialization and the production and maintenance of Muslim identities in Africa. Changes during the post-colonial period... more