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Within less than a decade piracy has been turned from a marginal economic problem into a global security problem. A surprising array of international actors addresses piracy and coordinates their activities. In this contribution we... more
This doctoral dissertation investigates the development of the norm of sovereignty as responsibility by focusing on its institutionalization in the framework of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Prominent observers have regarded the... more
This is the first chapter of the Casebook. It examines the emergence of administrative law beyond the State and the rise of global administration. On one hand, it focuses on the notion of the State and the implications for this of the... more
The thesis explores potential challenges and opportunities for blockchains and International Relations (IR). The thesis also explores how IR can help understand blockchains as new conceptual phenomena. The thesis broadly questions: what... more
In June 2016, the European Union launched its new ‘Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy’. In less unusual times, it would have been received as merely the latest iteration of the main tenets and ambitions of EU external action,... more
During the 1990s and 2000s, a policy known as Education with Community Participation (EDUCO) not only became the cornerstone of education reform in El Salvador but also became a global education policy, one which is known for... more
La doctrine récente en théorie et en philosophie du droit examine depuis plusieurs années les transformations du droit dans la mondialisation à partir de l’hypothèse de la formation d’un droit global. Les codes de conduites... more
Modern biotechnologies are among the reasons explaining the new focus on the idea of human dignity in public, political and scientific discourses. Topics being debated range from assisted reproduction, cloning, genetic diagnostics and... more
Crypto-coins (CCs) like Bitcoin are digitally encrypted tokens traded in peer-to-peer networks whose money laundering potential has attracted the attention of regulators, firms and the wider public worldwide. This article assesses the... more
We are delighted to share our new book to be published in March 2018 :The book aims to: • Allow leadership to speak with different voices • Liberate leadership from how it is portrayed in the dominant academic and popular literature.... more
This paper explains why so much soft law is widely adopted and followed despite lacking legal and coercive force. It argues that legal standards are susceptible to network effects. Network effects occur when the value of a standard to a... more
This Paper explores and summarises the Director's Duties of the UK Companies Act 2006 with emphasis on "the duty to promote the success of the company. Tags: Companies Act 2006 model articles, Companies Act 2006 summary companies act... more
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
This article explores the non-emergence of a global governance regime for cyberweapons. Cyberweapons are malicious software entities deployed to cause harm to adversaries' computer networks and systems. They threaten the integrity and... more
O artigo apresenta a ideia das cidades como novos atores da governança ambiental global (GAG). O objetivo é o estudo e análise do papel das cidades na abordagem das questões ambientais globais. O método de pesquisa foi o teórico-dedutivo,... more
This is a critique of UNEP's report prepared for the World Conference on Environment and Development held in Nairobi in 1982.
The internationalists of the last century are, it turns out, quite relevant to our current crisis: they helped us get here, and they offer us no way out. A review of Oona Hathaway and Scott Shapiro, The Internationalists: How A Radical... more
Facilitating access to asylum and other forms of refugee protection for the millions displaced by mass atrocities in Syria and Iraq is essential to the implementation of the international norm of the Responsibility to Protect (RtoP). This... more
Th is book explores the activism promoted by organised networks of civil society actors in opening up possibilities for more democratic supranational governance. It examines the positive and negative impact that such networks of civil... more
Fragile, corrupt and ineffective National Health Systems in authoritarian regimes deserve greater attention by the Intelligence Community.
Submission to 2021-2025 UN Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies. This paper discusses technical attribution and options to make it more transparent and accessible... more
The emergence of cross-border communities and transnational associations requires new ways of thinking about the norms involved in democracy in a globalized world. Given the significance of human rights fulfillment, including social and... more
An argument is presented for why there should be a consolidated global treaty on all atmposphere related global governance
Family farming plays an important role in food security all around the world. More .................... !!
Today’s children and young people are growing up in a time of radical digital transformation, rapidly changing information ecosystems, widespread integration of digital technologies, and other social, political, and environmental shifts.... more
This dissertation investigates the ways in which geoengineering interlinks with global environmental politics (GEP) and how they cohere together. The core question is how geoengineering fits in today’s political context and how it affects... more
Over the past decade, the achievement of universal primary education, under the somewhat misleading rubric of ‘Education for All’ (EFA), has steadily built momentum in international forums as a focus for discussion and action. The present... more
From the early 1990s until today efforts have been made to open up the United Nations system towards non-state actors. By this it was hoped for a ›democratization‹ of global governance from below. Also a greater participation of non-state... more
This paper tries to explore potential of global tax, suggesting that global tax could be a cutting-edge device for democratizing global governance. This paper starts with a brief analysis of root causes of the current global problems,... more
Globalization has typically been regarded as challenging representative democracy at the state level. This chapter outlines four of these challenges-that of democratic externalities, of transnational global processes and supranational... more
Since 1992, the European Union has put liberalisation at the core of its energy policy agenda. This aspiration was very much in line with an international political economy driven by the neo-liberal (Washington) consensus. The central... more
In March 2008, the six world leading agro-biotechnology companies, presented a private, international instrument for liability and redress to cover the environmental damage caused by genetically modified organisms. The proposal was... more
There is currently a myth in the making: that women are less corrupt than men. Recently some aid donors have cited statistical evidence that countries with larger numbers of women in politics and in the workforce have lower levels of... more
The current United Nations process for drafting a Business and Human Rights treaty employs international human rights law as its paradigmatic frame of reference, including for the scope of corporations legal obligations. Applying an... more
First Chapter of the Global Administrative Law Casebook (3rd ed., 2012). The book is an attempt to analyse global administrative law through the elaboration and examination of a number of different cases and case-studies. The architecture... more
Nigeria has a population of (one hundred and eighty million) 180,000,000 million inhabitants with over 250 different ethnic groups and over 400 spoken different languages and dialects. The multicultural nature of the Nigerian society with... more