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What defines effective school is the necessity of the school community to tailor interventions to improve quality of education. This study determined the factors of school effectiveness and level of school performance of private and... more
In this internship report I have taken a look at my work with youth engagement at a UNESCO IIEP Policy Forum on “Engaging Youth in Planning Education for Social Transformation”. I have explored how we have perceived the concept of youth... more
espanolLos patrones de diseno permiten extraer conocimiento a partir de la practica y pueden constituir una solucion para problemas identificados en un contexto educativo particular, orientando las decisiones pedagogicas en la... more
La presentazione sintetizza e sviluppa ulteriormente il pensiero contenuto nella pubblicazione "Progettare e discernere". La novità di questo modello di progettazione risiede non solo nella metodologia tras-formativa proposta in cinque... more
Background Lack of suitable educational programs in nursing causes irreparable damage to the community’s health and reduces the academic credibility of universities. In Iran, the master of science in nursing (MScN) program is not tailored... more
"Elinizdeki bu kitap, sosyal psikolojinin konularını en geniş kapsamıyla ele almakta, klasikleşmiş deneysel ve saha araştırmalarını en güncel bilimsel çalışmalarla harmanlamaktadır. Bu bakımdan, akademisyen ve öğrencilerin... more
We've all been to school, so what could be simpler than understanding life in school? The problem is that we take school for granted, accepting it for what it is without asking too many questions. This leaves us tinkering around the edges... more
An analysis of how economic adjustment policies in Latin America impact education finance, with particular emphasis on impact on the poor.
Uma pandemia, como a do Coronavírus-19, rapidamente espraiada pelo processo de globalização, lembra que a História é marcada por elas. Não só a História da Medicina e das ciências, como a social, econômica, demográfica e outras vertentes.... more
"The puppet as an educational tool" is a written text in an accessible and immediate form. In addition, the topics covered were developed on the basis of the author's long experience in the field. The content is therefore full of... more Výchovné plány, neraz precízne formulované, ľahko končia „v šuflíku“, nakoľko nie vždy za nimi stojí komunita osôb, ktorí by v nich videli svetlo na cestu v danej realite. Cieľom tejto... more
We encourage the senior management of E&SED to reflect on the learning outlined in this paper to establish a working culture based on sound knowledge management – one that sees data management as a service as well as a technical system,... more
Fundamentals of educational planning The booklets in this series are written primarily for two groups: those engaged in—or preparing for—educational planning and admin- istration. The modern conception of educational planning has... more
İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon... more
La presentazione sintetizza e sviluppa ulteriormente il pensiero contenuto nella pubblicazione "Progettare e discernere" ( in vista di un accompagnamento degli ambienti educativi salesiani. Il modello di... more
La presentazione sintetizza e sviluppa ulteriormente il pensiero contenuto nella pubblicazione "Progettare e discernere" ( in vista di un accompagnamento degli ambienti educativi salesiani. Il modello di... more
The overall mission of IUBAT is human resources development through appropriate teaching, training andguidance as well as creation of knowledge conducive to socio-agro- economic development of developingsocieties in general and that of... more
The International Journal of Database Management Systems (IJDMS) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the database management systems & its applications.... more
Compared to the few public higher education institutions in the prewar era, postwar Somalia boasts a large number of academic institutions at the tertiary level, mainly as privately owned universities. Although these community-initiated... more
Cambodia has struggled to promote the access and quality of education in responding to the local needs and international mainstream of education goals. In general, there are number of positive progresses being made in term of enrollment... more
Cambodia and Thailand have placed a great emphasis on the EFA goals by 2015. Both countries have achieved the net enrollment but still struggled with the dropout number and out-of-school population. However, each country has shared... more
Management, administration, and leadership have been defined differently by different scholars. Many scholars look at the three terms as being the same, yet others believe that the three concepts are different. This paper which is base on... more
Pakistan appeared on the globe of the world as an independent country in 1947 after the British rule ended in India. At the time of independence, Pakistan inherited an educational system that was launched by a foreign government before... more
La ricerca si è espressamente sviluppata in un ambito culturale e tecnico nel quale convergono gli elementi normativi delle nuove linee guida per la progettazione scolastica (ad es. spazi di apprendimento, spazi di sperimentazione, spazi... more
The National Universities Commission’s (NUC’s) ranking criteria for teaching staff in the programme accreditation benchmark (2007) namely: staff/student ratio (10%), staff mix by rank (6%) and qualifications (3%) were adopted to estimate... more
Seseorang sering tidak menyadari betapa pentingnya perencanaan dan cenderung melakukan sesuatu tanpa perencanaan. Ada kutipan yang mengtakan: “everything won’t go as smooth as planned,“ (semua tidak akan berjalan selancar yang... more
This paper is made to help the slow learners understand better "How Heat Travels"
This issue on Educational Administration, Planning and Policy Studies enables you to critical examine the trends and directions in educational administration, planning and management in their social, educational and political contexts in... more
The importance of education in the development of any nation cannot be overemphasized. There is an increasing belief in the power of education to transform the society. Education is viewed as an instrument per excellence for national... more
Administrasi Perkuliahan:
1. Cover
2. Silabus
3. Kontrak Belajar
4. Rencana Pembelajaran Semester
Analisis kebutuhan sarana prasarana pendidikan dalam rangka penentuan jenis dan jumlah sarana dan prasarana SMK dilakukan melalui pendekatan empirik dan studi literatur/referensi berdasarkan pengalaman masa lalu. dalam menentukan... more
This document sets the national education priorities for the period concerned and thus, consists in an inclusive platform where institutional stakeholders and interested groups can give their contribution. It contains proposals for... more
This paper is about E-school system which has a great importance in increasing the effectiveness of Turkey's Education. E-school is mainly computerized Education Management Information System. It is dynamic, web‐based Student Information... more
Management in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing,... more
Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyinin 5 may 1996-cı il tarixli Nizamnaməsi ilə təsdiq edilmiş, Ədliyyə Nazirliyində dövlət qeydiyyatına alınmışdır. Qeydiyyat № 11/3165 «Azərbaycan məktəbi» jurnalı akademik səviyyədə tədqiq olunan və... more
Brain drain and human capital mismatch hinder Masbate, a predominantly rural and the poorest province in Bicol Region in the Philippines, from attaining sustainable development. This research tackles the implications of people's career... more
Eğitim planlaması modern bir kavramdır. Eğitimin kitleselleştirilmesi sürecinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Herkes için eğitim anlayışının hem ulus devletin amaçları hem de ekonominin ilkeleri açısından önemli olmasının yanı sıra bir özelliği daha... more
This paper presents detailed methods for constructing a flexible philosophical–analytical model through which to apply the analytic principles of CDA for the interpretation of metaphors across policy texts. Drawing on a theoretical... more
This chapter offers a critical appraisal of educación intercultural bilingüe, an educational model with at least five decades of implementation in Latin America. When this term was coined, Indigenous populations were mostly monolingual... more
In a fast changing landscape of a globalized world and knowledge-driven economies, producing graduates with multiple competencies is critical as well as challenging for the universities. Given the growing importance of soft skills and... more
The Conference of African states on the Development of Education in Africa held in Addis Ababa in 1961 noted that over 80% per cent of the children of primary and secondary school age were not enrolled despite increased demand for quality... more
O texto percorre, a partir da interpretação do federalismo à brasileira, a discussão no campo educacional sobre a necessidade ou não da organização de um único sistema de educação e apresenta novos formatos de cooperação federativa de... more
In lieu of the K+12 curriculum which has been newly adopted in the Philippine Educational System to hopefully better the education of our country and of the stakeholders specifically students in depressed areas in this fast-changing... more