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Education is a means of poverty eradication, skill acquisition and nation's development at large; as such it is a necessity for national growth and peace sustainability. This paper explores contribution of Information and Communication... more
Gregori-Signes, Carmen. 2013. El relato digital como género social, educativo y digital. Educacion, Multimodalidad y Aprendizaje (Part3). Curso Tendencias Educativas Digitales Iberoamericanas 2012-2013. Universitat de València
Over the last decade and a half, classrooms have become swamped with a range of electronic devices. Technology will continue to be more efficient, more versatile and indeed more abundant in schools and in classrooms. This study explores... more
The main objective of this study is to develop a self-report instrument to measure pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the extent to which they experience the necessary support and training in order to integrate technology into classroom... more
The objective of the ICT for Language Learning conference is to promote the sharing of good practice and transnational cooperation in the field of the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Language Learning... more
Dans l'introduction des nouvelles technologies pour l'information et la communication, la méthode pédagogique ou le dispositif dans lequel l'outil va prendre place sont essentiels. S'inscrivant dans la suite logique du précédent volume de... more
Proceedings (extract) of the 10th International Conference "The Future of Education" (18-19 June 2020).
Edited by Pixel, published by Filodiritto Editore.
Nell’articolo, l’autore, alla sua prima esperienza di docente CLIL/DNL, descrive i caratteri, le fasi e lo svolgimento delle attività e fornisce esempi di lezioni in presenza e on line del modulo “Cybercrime and security measures”... more
sürecin etkili ve eğlenceli hale getirilmesi, öğrenenlerin dikkatinin çekilmesi, öğrenmeye karşı motivasyonlarının arttırılması, görselleştirme ve problem çözme yeteneklerinin geliştirilmesi açısından da güçlü bir öğrenme aracı olarak... more
Bangladesh is all set to become the next global ICT hub. For this to happen, it requires more women to participate in the sector in order to maintain its competitive edge in terms of a young, driven and relatively cheap workforce.... more
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
This paper discusses the results of a study of the role of the computer in scaffolding pupils' interaction and its effects on the disabled (D) pupils' participation and inclusion in the context of socio-cultural theories and the ideals of... more
It's said that the best way to learn is to teach it. I have learned most of the things through self-initiatives and in collaboration with colleagues by sharing my thoughts and learning from theirs.
The present paper unveils Booker T. Washington’s thoughts on education and their relevance in the contemporary educational system in India. Education is the most powerful tool which changes our life, society and ultimately country. A... more
Korábbi évben már foglalkoztunk a hagyományos és a digitális szemléltetés előnyeivel és hátrányaival; továbbá azzal, hogy hogyan lehet ezekkel az eszközökkel megismertetni a hallgatókat, és ezen eszközök oktatási módszertanát... more
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classrooms, with students with special intellectual educational needs (NEEI) improves their learning and teaching practice, configuring them as a different tool for... more
Resumen Las tecnologías aplicadas a la educación constituyen una dualidad indisoluble para lograr sistemas flexibles que respondan a las necesidades de la sociedad en materia educativa. Los sistemas educativos actuales intentan impulsar... more
W artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki dwóch studiów empirycznych, których celem było zbadanie stosunku przyszłych nauczycieli do nowych edukacyjnych rozwiązań TIK. Studia ta ukazują, że podejście nauczycieli do TIK kształtowane jest nie... more
Las humanidades digitales se configuran dentro de las posibilidades que ofrecen las experiencias en entornos digitales con nuevas corporeidades para la interacción del usuario. El objetivo de esta propuesta consiste en observar cómo los... more
Basic studies (CBS) Kuwait, faculty members' usefulness of a web 2.0 tools activity course and how it affected their attitude towards Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use. The faculty members who had applied to the ICT... more
This study aimed at empirically examining the impact of information and communication technology interaction intensity among supply chain members on the dynamic capabilities of organizations. The study took Taiwan's top 1000 manufacturers... more
Despite all the advances in educational technology, basic principles of the educational setting still apply. By going virtual we expand the group of students who can have intercultural collaborative experiences, but this adds the issues... more
The effective use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for community education for sustainability (EfS) can promote understanding and action of community members regarding local sustainability issues. ICT tools and features,... more
The study is aimed at ascertaining awareness of the role of ICT in students’ cognitive assessment and the extent of its application by lecturers in Imo State tertiary institutions. 30 lecturers from each of the five tertiary institutions... more
Ces dernières années, nous voyons apparaître une nouvelle forme d’intégration des technologies en salle de classe : le « Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) ». Ce nouveau type de configuration répond à des besoins financiers, mais également... more
The world is changing rapidly, so is academics. E-learning has altered the area of academics and education. ICT enabled learning has given ideal services to students by providing any type of content on demand which is proportional to the... more
ABSTRACT A presença da tecnologia digital na sala de aula permite ao professor de física e química o recurso a abordagens de ensino que integrem as potencialidades que aquela possibilita. Neste estudo, apresentam-se resultados que revelam... more
La incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) ha significado una transformación importante. Sin embargo, la sola inserción de... more
In this article, we explore and discuss how educational trajectories relate to the overall learning lives of students. Sociocultural studies have examined the use of artefacts, cultural resources and literacy practices as part of human... more
This paper is about Sapphires. The Sapphires is an Australian dramatic and comedy movie about four women singers. In May 2012, it premiered in Australia during the Cannes Festival. The Movie is about a group of indigenous women, Gail... more
Les enseignantes et enseignants, à travers leur appropriation pédagogique des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) se trouvent – quelquefois émerveillés – au milieu de l'Océan. Derrière eux, il y a tout ce qu'ils ont... more