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Background Bullying has public health importance. It has been reported that both the victims and perpetrators of bullying are more likely to have suicidal ideation and other suicidal behaviours. Moreover, bullying can be a precursor for... more
Using a sample of dental students (N=373) from four Canadian dental schools, this longitudinal study determined whether the new Canadian Dental Association (CDA) structured interview was a predictor of clinical and academic performance.... more
The process of education is concerned chiefly with the interaction between the stakeholders (students, teacher, professional bodies, libraries, PTAs and other parent organizations together with the classroom practices that occur within... more
INTRODUCTION The present day educational sector is becoming increasingly dynamic. The determination of every individual is to attain success and this success affects the personal and social dimensions of life. In this regard, academic... more
Recent literature indicates that a motivational orientation can be unconsciously primed. This study examined whether motivational priming influences students’ academic performance within an educational setting and whether this effect is... more
Using nationally representative data from the NLSY97 and a simultaneous equations model, this paper analyzes the financial motivations for and the effects of employment on U.S. college students’ academic performance. The data confirm the... more
Research suggests that physical activity may foster improved academic performance, yet schools are receiving more pressure to achieve high academic standards. It is important for classroom teachers, administrators and school psychologists... more
El siguiente reporte académico aborda los beneficios de la actividad física en el desempeño de los estudiantes universitarios. Se busca motivar y mejorar las actividades académicas, a través de la siguiente revisión de artículos... more
This longitudinal study examined Latino adolescents’ feelings of loneliness and the repercussions of loneliness for later educational success. Participants were 640 Latino students (56% girls, 62% Mexican/Mexican–American) who reported on... more
This study proposes a structural equations model of college student attrition based on pre- matriculation freshman attitudes. The study uses a survey administered annually from 1995 to 1999 and tracks persistence and dropout behavior for... more
Improving student's academic performance is not an easy task for the academic community of higher learning. The academic performance of engineering and science students during their first year at university is a turning point in... more
The economic hardship that has plagued Zimbabwe has led to a shift from the traditionally intact family to a singleparenthood family. Many factors lead to single parenthood including divorce, separation of all kinds and deaths. Single... more
The article is a review of empirical studies on the problem of children and adolescents’ videogaming and its effects on academic performance and attention problems (including ADHD). Despite many types of research projects, and the variety... more
The impact of type 1 diabetes (T1D) on school performance is controversial. To study the relationship between school performance and metabolic control in children with T1D (Ch-T1D), comparing their school grades to general population... more
This study generally aimed to determine the level of cultural practices and academic performance of the Blaan pupils in Sinapulan Elementary School, Sinapulan, Columbio, Sultan Kudarat. Moreover, it was intended to find out which of these... more
Poslednjih decenija usvajanje i procenjivanje znanja leksike zauzeli su važno mesto u teorijama učenja i nastave jezika. Dokazano je da je osnovni faktor neuspeha dece u školama neadekvatno znanje leksike. Razlika u broju reči koje deca... more
This study examined the impact of collegiate recreation participation on academic success as measured by grade point average, course credit completion, and persistence or graduation. Logistic and multiple regressions were run to explore... more
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more