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Soziale Medien haben unser Kommunikationsverhalten entscheidend verändert. Im Zuge dieser Veränderung begegenen uns bekannte Herausforderungen wie Radikalisierung oder Hassrede in neuer Intensität. Zusätzlich tun sich bislang unbekannte... more
Die digitale Revolution lässt vielfach die Einlösung des Versprechens vermissen, einen offenen Marktplatz des Meinungsaustausches zu schaffen. An die Stelle der etablierten Torwächter sind Algorithmen getreten, die bekannte Präferenzen... more
Europe is currently experiencing a "refugee crisis", demonstrated by millions of displaced people unseen since World War II. This book examines the interface between the EU's response to irregular flows, in particular the main... more
Discovers the difficult relationship of one of the mightiest constitutional courts in Europe and the CJEU from the perspective of German constitutional law and jurisprudence.
This paper deals with the Islamic concept of Human Rights with special reference to its application in Pakistan. It is heartening that the United Nations Organization is taking all such steps which are enunciated by Islam for the... more
Exit Polls‘ rest on unstable constitutional tectonic plates eager to erupt without notice. It has equal and opposite forces, pulling at it, as its proponent as well as opponent lie in the Constitution. Conduct of free and fair elections... more
The current political climate provides fertile ground for toxic narratives that turn immigrants into convenient scapegoats. But such communities also present an enormous opportunity, and more can be done to capitalise fully on their... more
O objetivo deste artigo é examinar a evolução do direito de acesso à água, desde a perspectiva internacional global, passando pela regulação comparada na América do Sul, até o surgimento e a implementação do arcabouço regulatório... more
Das Verhältnis zwischen dem Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH) und den Verfassungsgerichten der EU-Mitgliedstaaten (1) ist ein wechselhaftes. Bisweilen wird dem EuGH Aktivismus vorgeworfen, er würde allzu politisch und expansionistisch... more
A study on the impact of dimensions of risk management such as project complexity, project planning and control, project team and organizational environment on risk management practices of IT firms that develop and manage projects in the... more
This paper explores the concept of right of personality, under an optical evolved and conformed with the interpretive community reality, turning against the advances of the sociological, philosophical, legal sciences and politics,... more
The article examines the use of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the so-called “horizontal” cases. For this purpose it investigates three questions: first, the formal status of the Charter in horizontal situations; secondly, the... more
In the last decade, freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) emerged as part of the European Union's (EU) agenda in two ways: first, through attempts of its institutionalisation as a full-fledged diplomatic issue by the European External... more
El consentimiento informado del paciente se inserta en el ámbito de su autonomía decisoria. Aunque presenta un sustrato corporal, este aparece combinado con elementos de índole moral que presuponen una noción concreta de persona como... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the right to know one’s genetic origins (RKGO) encounters significant differences in the level of guarantee when it applies to adoption, to assisted reproduction or to surrogacy. The results... more
Die sexistische Darstellung von Frauen ist eine ökonomische Strategie. Dies macht sich Werbung im Besonderen zunutze. Werbung formt Wahrnehmungs- und Bedürfnisstrukturen, informiert und inspiriert im besten Fall – im schlechtesten... more
RESUMEN Este trabajo analiza la sentencia No. 133-17-SEP-CC dentro de una acción extraordinaria de protección que conoció la Corte Constitucional ecuatoriana sobre la vulneración de los derechos fundamentales de una persona transexual... more
Em um primeiro momento o trabalho examina duas constatações específicas: o surgimento e a proliferação das organizações internacionais, notadamente a partir da criação da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU); e a intensificação dos... more
Resumo: A periodicidade dos mandatos em uma democracia republicana perde seu significado quando não há alternância dos representantes políticos. A alternância, para além de eleições periódicas, é elemento essencial da autenticidade... more
I. Inleiding: toenemende kritiek op het EHRM II. De impact van het EVRM op de rechtspraak van vier hoogste nationale rechtscolleges A. De Nederlandse Hoge Raad tussen monisme en het toetsingsverbod B. Het VK Supreme Court en de... more
This article briefly discusses the rights and responsibilities of media and its functioning as a fourth pillar in India’s democracy. A major part of this story highlights the free run of Media trials and how fatal it is to the freedom of... more
Academic freedom is considered to be one of the most important pillars of educational institutions. It is a prerequisite for quality education, essential for complete development of human personality. However, it has been subjected to... more
Spanish Public Authorities are abusing fundamental rights of citizens while Implementing the Emergency Legislation Against COVID-19. This Working Paper analyses cases of violation of the fundamental right to religious freedom in this... more
French Abstract: Ce chapitre offre un bref aperçu des liens entre la lutte contre le recul de l'État de droit au sein de l'Union européenne et la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’UE. Il défend que la Charte pourrait et devrait jouer un... more
Analisis de las Libertades Fundamentales de Libre Iniciativa Privada, Empresa, Competencia y Libre Acceso al Mercado, e Instituciones Educativas en el Perú Publicado en Mayo de 2015 en la Revista Actualidad Civil, N° 11, Instituto... more
This book offers an introduction to the rights and freedoms in the Spanish Constitution. The overview and discussion is based on the civil, political, economic and social rights recognized within the Spanish Fundamental Charter, as well... more
O presente texto tem como objetivo analisar o trabalho escravo contemporâneo no Brasil, notadamente sob a perspectiva de seu combate e prevenção por meio da educação em direitos humanos. A pesquisa justifica-se em razão de se tratar de... more
This article aims to examine whether there is a widespread violation of minimum human rights in Brazil, including an unconstitutional state of affairs in relation to some rights. By the deductive analytical method, the article continued a... more
This book, which originated from the broadly held view that there is a lack of Rule-of-law in Mexico, and from the emphasis of traditional academia on cultural elements as the main explanation, explores the question of whether there is... more
Die Einführung von Einheitsverpackungen (Plain Packaging) für Zigaretten ist derzeit in aller Munde. Von Australien über die EU bis hin zu mehreren südamerikanischen Staaten erwägt man die Einführung einer neutralen Verpackung für... more
Die Corona-Pandemie stürzt die Gesellschaften rund um den Globus in eine Krise. Das vorliegende Buch nutzt die Krise zur Erkenntnis und stellt eine einfache Frage: Was können wir aus der Coronakrise über moderne Gesellschaften lernen? Die... more
Esta obra recopilatoria ofrece algunos de los trabajos más influyentes de Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde, traducidos al inglés. Se trata de uno de los teóricos más prestigiosos de la iuspublicística alemana de la segunda posguerra, cuya... more
Derecho al respeto a la vida personal y familiar.– Injerencias de los poderes públicos.– Denegación de inscripción en Italia de partida de nacimiento expedida en Rusia y retirada del bebe nacido por gestación subrogada dado posteriormente... more
in Jordane Arlettaz et Julien Bonnet (dir.), L’objectivation du contentieux des droits fondamentaux, Pedone, 2016 (à paraître).
In dit preadvies wordt uitgelegd wat de platformeconomie is en hoe het begrip 'platformeconomie' zich onderscheidt van vergelijkbare begrippen, zoals de deeleconomie. Vervolgens wordt een uitgebreide analyse gemaakt van de impact van... more
In the EU, environmental democracy is to a large extent realised through the right of the general public to access documents and information held by EU bodies in environmental matters. Even though the matter is ruled by the ‘widest... more
La Constitución de Ecuador de 2008 constituye una manifestación más del nuevo constitucionalismo latinoamericano, caracterizado, entre otros muchos aspectos, por fi jar un modelo de plena protección y justiciabilidad de todos los... more
This article is concerned with the principle of horizontal effect of fundamental rights as this has been applied in Cypriot case law. The article begins with a brief introduction on the doctrine of horizontal effect and the various... more
A trilogia Liberdade, Igualdade, Fraternidade, concebida em pleno seculo das Luzes, sob inspiracao do ideal do liberalismo, que iluminou a Revolucao Francesa (1789), assinalou, a um tempo, um objecto de combate politico e um projecto de... more