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In this short article, I analysed the causes and process of mobilization of students in Chile in 2011. It was published by Phi Delta Kappan in november 2011.
ABSTRACT. The paper opens by asking sharp questions about the current vogue for consulting students about various aspects of their experience of schooling. The unwit-ting manipulation often embedded in much of this activity is contrasted... more
In most jurisdictions around the world,governments, in the name of economiccompetitiveness, have imposed comprehensive andquite dramatic changes on state schools. Mostchanges require a more centralized and rigorouscurriculum for pupils, a... more
This paper reports an evaluation of Quality Teaching Action Learning (QTAL) projects conducted at New South Wales (NSW), Australia public (state) primary and secondary schools and explores how distributed leadership facilitated and was an... more
"Istraživački projekat predstavljen u ovoj monografiji predstavlja vredan doprinos pedagoškoj nauci i obrazovnoj praksi. Sagledavanje prošlosti i vizije budućnosti obrazovanja u našoj zemlji iz perspektive ključnih aktera obrazovanja... more
In a time of rapid policy and curriculum change, teachers must be knowledge workers who continue to develop professionally. Professional learning networks (PLNs) offer teachers the opportunity to develop professionally by positioning them... more
Reforms and their contexts have unsettledboundaries. Actors construct themselves ascontexts for reforms in part by advancingdefinitions of those reforms: Reformsthemselves both presuppose and createcontextual frames. Drawing on actor... more
For those of us who stay in the classroom and don’t go on to administration or the professoriate, teacher professional development is often so utterly useless. I have regularly been part of sessions where I have been taught to do things I... more
Schools have been caught up in responding to the calls of external accountability. This has challenged school leaders to establish data gathering practices that ultimately lend themselves to creating school wide instructional systems to... more
Ο ρόλος του εκπαιδευτικού είναι καθοριστικός για την αποτελεσματικότητα μίας αλλαγής ενός Αναλυτικού Προγράμματος Σπουδών, αφού είναι αυτός που θα κάνει πράξη αυτή την αλλαγή στη σχολική τάξη. Η παρούσα μελέτη διερευνά, μέσα από μία... more
This position paper provides an alternative theoretical framework of sustainable second-order educational change. Here, sustainability refers to: 1) substantial changes made that affect the core of educators’ everyday practice; 2) a... more
Most published journal articles describing professional development (PD) initiatives for K-12 ures of hightheoretical framework arisen in content areas with more tradition in PD research (e.g., mathematics and science education). The goal... more
This article presents an in-depth case study of a complex community of inquiry. In this community, teachers worked collaboratively to build from situated assessments of students' learning through reading to refine and monitor practices... more
This research report documents the nature and impact of a Consortium of 10 school boards a liated with the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) in leading bold and sophisticated change for today’s students, in one of the... more
The book "The New Meaning of Educational Change" is highly effective to read for such leaders of educational organizations who miserably fail in bringing and consolidating the change process. It is equally important for the teachers to go... more
This literature review explored educational change trends as reflected in the first 15 years of the Journal of Educational Change (JEC), from 2000 to 2014. The examination of 52 articles accounting for 61% of the Journal's historical... more
Les élites arabes et leur rôles dans le développement-Large contribution d'un chef de file de la pensée arabe moderne : AEK ABID Préambule J'ai sélectionné ce travail d'équipe parce qu'il porte les empreintes de Aek Abid dont la... more
This article documents the first year of a qualitative case study investigating the experiences of reciprocal learning teams of teachers within a small, rural secondary school. The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers... more
This paper is based on research developed in two public high schools of Montevideo, aimed to identify their main relational patterns, with focus on bullying traits and the possible influence of family variables and school climate on... more
Knowmad Society explores the future of learning, work, and how we relate with each other in a world driven by accelerating change, value networks, and the rise of knowmads. Knowmads are nomadic knowledge workers: Creative, imaginative,... more