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The following paper exposes the results and conclusions of a prevention program about dating violence, carried out with teenagers, in high schools. The program was designed to produce changes in individual attitudes, knowledge and skills... more
Today, it can be maintained that the customer is a ‘king’ as he will buy only the products that satisfy his needs and wants. The companies of today are facing new challenges: global business and local operation, standardization, and... more
In the decade since scholarly work on standards began, the basic dynamics of standards in the marketplace have been reasonably well described (see [11],[15] and [30] for surveys of this literature). Some empirical studies have been... more
Developing and designing security systems and subsystems is a vital component of the ISD process, yet often is not considered until after the software has been developed. This reflects the low value that ISD places upon security. Some... more
In this paper the development process is studied in longitudinal case studies where a radically new product group, functional foods, is developed. Studied in a creative management perspective, these high-tech food products are associated... more
Today, many organizations maintain a variety of systems and databases in a complex ad-hoc architecture that does not seem to fulfill the needs for company-wide unstructured information management in business processes, business functions,... more
In this regard, several opportunities have opened up in the last few years. Calabria belongs to the Regions of Objective 1 of The European Union (regions with development delay), characterised by a PIL value less than 75% of the community... more
A collaborative research effort among construction companies has allowed the design and implementation of a performance measurement system in Chilean construction companies. This effort is starting to give preliminary results as new... more
The recently discovered opportunity to manipulate the polarization state of light in the near-and far-fields using a new breed of meta-materials, so called planar chiral structures (PCS) [1] and [2], may lead to a whole generation of... more