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Environmental Health

The Division of Environmental Health (DEH) uses the best available science to reduce, eliminate, or prevent public health harm from environmental, chemical, and physical hazards. Learn more about DEH

***If You believe you are in immediate danger, call 911 or Contact Poison Control at 800-222-1222.

For less urgent concerns, call the MDHHS Toxicology and Environmental Health hotline at 800-648-6942, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Badge of Better Health

The Badge of Better Health campaign can help you take small steps to protect your health. Click on the video and the Badge of Better Health images to learn more.

Circular badge featuring a health symbol (white cross on red background) and text reading get your badge of better health.

Some of the topics covered in the Badge of Better Health Campaign are found in our A-Z list:

Environmental Health Topics A-Z

Carbon monoxide detector and badge reading "risk detector"Become a Risk Detector and learn more about carbon monoxide.
girl scratching at her upper arm and badge reading "tick inspector"Become a Tick Inspector and learn more about preventing tick bites.

Featured Programs

black mold growing on a white surface


Sometimes mold grows in places it shouldn’t- including inside our homes or workplaces. This kind of mold needs to be cleaned up so that it doesn't cause health problems.

Learn more about mold
water pouring into a glass

Care for Mi Drinking Water

Water is an essential part of all living things. It is important for everyone to be aware of their drinking water quality at home or where they live.

Learn more about drinking water
MDHHS mobile lab


The Division of Environmental Health (DEH) currently has multiple biomonitoring (Bio) research projects and health studies underway. 

Learn more about DEH biomonitoring projects

Additional Resources

Water droplets on a leaf

Environmental Pathways

Environmental pathways are ways you can be exposed to environmental health hazards. You can be exposed through pollution in the air, soil, and food, in your home, at your workplace, and in your community. Learn more about ways you can be exposed and how to reduce your exposure.

People in a circle with hands joined in middle

DEH Programs

DEH has several programs to help residents and communities reduce their exposure to environmental hazards. Learn more about our programs.

Person touching a screen with data

Data and Research

DEH relies on data and research to make the best decisions to reduce, prevent, or eliminate environmental hazards in Michigan communities. Learn more about our data collection and research projects.

doctor using a laptop

Resources for Health Care Providers

DEH has several resources for providers, including online education, and training centered around current or emerging environmental health issues. Learn more about health care provider resources.

group of children smiling into camera

Resources for Kids and Educators

DEH has many resources for kids, including activity books and videos, to introduce them to environmental health topics. These resources may be valuable for educators. Learn more about environmental health resources for kids and educators.

two people on either side of a desk smiling at each other

Resources for Local Health Departments

DEH has many resources available for local health departments, including health assessments and fact sheets. Visit the Environmental Health Information by County page for specific information.

Sign up for the MDHHS Care for MI Environmental Health Newsletter!

Michigan Dept of Health & Human Services (

Our environment changes every day. Learn how to protect yourself, your family, and friends from environmental hazards. Sign up for the MDHHS Care for MI Environmental Health newsletter to receive current, science-based information and resources you can use right now!