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Michigan Opioid Treatment Access Loan Repayment Program

FY 2023 MIOTA Application
FY 2023 MIOTA Application and Program Guidance

The new application cycle opens on February 27, 2023 and closes on March 13, 2023. Applications will only be accepted during this time.

MIOTA is a medical education debt repayment program focused on incentivizing healthcare providers to begin and expand opioid treatment in Michigan. Eligible providers will receive loan repayment for beginning or expanding opioid treatment. The program has a two-year service obligation.

This program is available to medical providers (MD, DO, NP, PA) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) counselors. Medical providers must either:

  1. Begin providing medication opioid used disorder treatment in Michigan by having obtained a standard Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) registration certificate, or
  2. Already be providing treatment using a standard DEA registration certificate, or
  3. Provide services as a SUD counselor within an opioid treatment program or serving individuals with an Opioid Use Disorder, Stimulant Use Disorder, or SUD program.

Applications must be electronically submitted to MDHHS, as directed in the program guidance above.

MILogin for Third Party
DATA 2000 Waiver Application
LARA Substance Abuse Program Licensure
Michigan Opioid Addiction Resources

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Megan Linton at