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Adults & Seniors

We offer a variety of programs to protect, encourage independence and advocate for frail and vulnerable adults in Michigan. Our programs can assist you with independent living (home help), adult foster care and homes for the aged, adult protective services and support for those dealing with HIV/AIDS.

Adults and Seniors Program

Adult Community Placement

If you or your loved ones can no longer live independently and need licensed adult care, you may be eligible for assistance.

Adult Protective Services

Adult Protective Services investigators protect vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect and exploitation by coordinating with mental health, public health, law enforcement, the probate courts, the aging network, community groups and the general public.

Forms and Publications

Forms and Publications related to adults and seniors programs.

Independent Living (Home Help)

The Home Help program is designed to support individuals who wish to live independently in their home rather than live in an adult foster care home, home for the aged, or nursing facility.

Behavioral and Physical Health and Aging Services Administration

The BPHASA includes Michigan's Medicaid office, services for aging adults and community-based services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, serious mental illness and substance use disorders.

Community Transition Services

Services are available to beneficiaries residing in a nursing facility and are offered to assist in securing housing and in facilitating a successful discharge into the community.

GetSetUp - Michigan

GetSetUp offers an online platform and community that helps older adults enjoy more fulfilling, independent and socially connected lives through learning. MDHHS has teamed up with GetSetUp to provide hundreds of live online classes to keep you mentally, physically and socially active. Classes are interactive, easy to join, offered day and night and free for our community!