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CH-Chronically Homelessness

Having 12 months of continued homelessness or 4 episodes totaling 12 months over a 3-year time frame. Requirement by HUD for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)


CoC-Continuum of Care

Community group of organizations and stakeholders charged with ending homelessness.  A County Continuum of Care is required to receive MSHDA and HUD funding.


CE-Coordinated Entry or Coordinated Assessment

Process for entry into housing assistance.


MDHHS- Michigan Department of Health and Human Services


Diversion (ex. Eviction Diversion, Shelter Diversion)

Concept of keeping people from experiencing a housing crisis.


ESG-Emergency Solutions Grant

Federal housing program.


ESP-Emergency Shelter Program

Federal funds for homeless shelters



Electronic reporting and filing system, web based.  HUD grant requirement.  Part of Homeless Assistance Application and Grants Management System.


FEMA-Federal Emergency Management Agency

Food assistance and other disaster relief programs


FMR-Fair Market Rent


FMV-Fair market value


HARA-Housing Assistance and Resource Agency

Part of coordinated entry


HEARTH-Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing

Act of congress that contains all federal housing regulation


HMIS-Homeless Management Information System

Statewide database for data entry.


HUD-US Dept of Housing and Urban Development

Federal housing regulatory body


LIHEAP-Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Department of Health and Human Services funding through MDHHS for deliverable fuels, utilities, wood, and coal


McKINNEY VENTO-a body of laws regarding homelessness.  Allows youth to attend school and accommodations to be made to maintain them in their school of origin.


MCAH-Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness

Statewide coalition that coordinates resources and information regarding homelessness.  Administers HMIS.


MEAP-Michigan Energy Assistance Program

Utility funding for the state of Michigan



An online site ( where clients can explore potential eligibility, apply for Food Assistance benefits, apply for Energy SER State Emergency Relief, view their case information, or report changes to their specialist


MSHDA-Michigan State Housing Development Authority


NOFA-Notice of Funding Availability


PHA-Public Housing Authority


PHC-Project Homeless Connect


PIT-Point In Time

A count mandated by HUD annually to capture the number of sheltered and un-sheltered homeless people in the county during a 24-hour period.  Will typically be done the last Wednesday in January.


RFP – Request for Proposal for Funding


SER-State Emergency Relief

DHHS application to apply for emergency funds through their agency.


SIM-State Innovation Model


SOAR-Social Security Outreach Access Recovery

Expedited filing and appeals for social security for those that are homeless and disabled


SPDAT-Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool


SSI-Supplemental Security Income


SSDI-Social Security Disability Insurance


SSVF-Supportive Services for Veterans and Families

VA funded rental assistance for homeless or at-risk veterans.


TBRA-Tennant Based Rental Assistance


TH-Transitional Housing

24-month rental subsidy program for someone that is literally homeless


VA-US Dept of Veterans Affairs


VAMC-VA Medical Center


VASH-Veteran Supported Housing

Federally funded subsidy program for homeless veterans


VI-SPDAT-Vulnerability Index Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool