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Annual Report

The Annual Report (MDHHS Pub-170), is a fiscal year roll-up of data contained in MDHHS Green Books. Because the Green Book began reporting from a new source in October 2008 -- the Michigan Data Warehouse -- the Annual Report adopted a new format in 2011. Like the new Green Book report, the PDF makes use of tabs and bookmarks so you can review more information. In addition, the report now contains more extensive information than before on programs including Medicaid and State Emergency Relief.

In addition to the Annual Report, detailed fiscal year information is now available by county. Every Annual Report table in the state report can be reproduced for each county using the left tab. This is much different than in previous years, when all county-based information was included in a sizable PDF document called Program Statistics for previous years. Those reports are still available in the Annual Report archive.

Annual Report of Key Program Statistics: FY 2023 - DHS-Pub-170

MDHHS Program Summary Annual Reports

Family Independence Program (FIP)

State Disability Assistance (SDA)

Food Assistance Program (FAP)

Adult Medical Program (AMP) and Medicaid

State Emergency Relief (SER)

Child Development & Care and Selected Services

Previous Years Annual Reports