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Legal Base

The following State and Federal laws are the legal base for our programs and services.

    • Family Independence Program
          Public Act 280, 1939, (Social Welfare Act)
          Public Act 146, 1925 (Poor Law)
          Social Security Act
    • State Disability Assistance (SDA)
          Annual Appropriations Act 

    • Food Assistance Program (FAP)
      Food Stamp Act of 1977
          Public Act 280, 1939 (Social Welfare Act) 

    • State Emergency Relief Program (SER)
      Social Security Act, as amended
          Public Act 82 of 2001 (FY 2002 FIA Appropriations Act)  
          Administrative Rules R 400.7001 - R 400.7049, effective November 13, 1993.

    • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
      Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (Title XXVI of Public Law 97-35) 
    • Child Development and Care
      Social Security Act 
    • Supplemental Security Income 
          Social Security Act
    • Disability Determination Service 
          Social Security Act
    • Refugee Assistance Program
          Refugee Act of 1980 
    • Child Support and You
          Social Security Act
          Public Act 174 of 1971 (Office of Child Support Act)
          Public Act 295 of 1982 (Support and Parenting Time Enforcement Act)
          Public Act 294 of 1982 (Friend of the Court Act)
          Public Act 138 of 1966 (Family Support Act)
          Public Act 293 of 1968 (Status of Minors and Child Support Act)

    • Children's Protective Services (CPS)
      Social Security Act
      Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
      Public Act 280 of 1939
      Public Act 238 of 1975

    • Foster Care
      Federal and State Legal Base information
      Public Law 96-272, the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980.
      Public Law 105-89, The Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) of 1997
      Public Law 95-608, Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978
      Public Law 103-382, Howard M. Metzenbaum Multiethnic Placement Act of 1994
      Public Law 104-188, Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996
      Public Law 91-230, the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
      Public Law 99-590, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1986

      P.A. 220 of 1935, Michigan Children's Institute Act
      P.A. 280 of 1939, the Social Welfare Act
      P.A. 288 of 1939, Chapter XIIA, The Juvenile Code
      P.A. 116 of 1973, Child Care Organization Licensing Act
      P.A. 296 of 1974, the Michigan Adoption Code (added Chapter X to P.A. 288 of 1939) P.A. 238 of 1975, the Child Protection Law
      P.A. 218 of 1979, the Adult Foster Care Facility Licensing Act
      P.A. 74 of 1989, Established the State Foster Care Review Board Program
      P.A. 203 of 1994, the Foster Care and Adoption Services Act
      P.A. 388 of 1996, Established the Family Division of the Circuit Court to take the place of the Juvenile Division of the Probate.

    • Adult Protective Services
      Public Act 280, 1939 (Social Welfare Act)

    • Families First
      This program is part of the state's services designed to meet the Reasonable Efforts (P.L. 96-272) requirements of Title IV-E of the federal Social Security Act.

    • Zero to Three
      The enabling legislation for the initiative in P.A. 294 of 2000 (Family Independence Agency), P.A. 297 of 2000 (Education), and P.A. 296 of 2000 (Community Health) states that the 0-3 funds shall be used for grants to support community-based, collaborative secondary prevention services.

    • Strong Families/Safe Children
      Social Security Act

    • Adoption Subsidy
      Social Security Act
      Public Act 280, 1939 (Social Welfare Act)

    • Juvenile Justice Services
      Public Act 150 of 1974, the Youth Rehabilitation Services Act
      Public Act 280 of 1939, the Social Welfare Act
      Public Act 288 of 1939, the Juvenile Code

    • Children's Trust Fund
      Public Act 211 of 1982
      Public Act 249 of 1982
      Public Act 250 of 1982

    • Migrant Services
      Social Security Act

    • Adult Community Placement
      Public Act 218 of 1979 (AFC Licensing)
      Social Security Act

    • Work First
      Social Security Act
      Public Act 280 of 1939 (Social Welfare Act)

    • Employment and Training Program for Food Assistance Recipients
      Public Law 104-193

    • Employment-Related Activities
      Social Security Act
      Public Act 280 of 1939

    • Employment Support Services
      Social Security Act
      Public Act 280 of 1939

    • Family Support Services
      Social Security Act

    • Personal Responsibility Plan and Family Contract
      MCL 400.57d and 400.57e

    • Preventive Services for Families
      Social Security Act
      Public Law 104-193

    • Michigan Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment Board
      Michigan Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment Board (MDVPTB) was established within FIA in 1978 (P.A. 389)
      Federal Family Violence Prevention and Services Act 42 USC 10401 et. seq.
      Violence Against Women Act

    • Home Help Services
      Public Act 280 of 1939
      Social Security Act.

    • Community Services Block Grant
      Community Services Block Grant Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-35), as amended.