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Housing and Homeless Services

The MDHHS Housing and Homeless Services Division works to make homelessness rare, brief and one time for all Michigan citizens. The Division administers grants to local providers to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness with the goal of moving them into stable housing as quickly as possible and providing the supports needed to achieve permanent housing stability. Additionally, the Division coordinates with other MDHHS resources that support housing stability, including State and Federal programs such as Medicaid, food assistance, children’s services, behavioral health services, and employment and training services. Through collaboration with other state and local partners around housing and homelessness, the Division coordinates resources across departments and aligns efforts within local communities. The work is guided through the Division’s utilization of data to measure progress, identify gaps, and inform policy and program decisions. Lastly, the Division coordinates and provides training and technical assistance to build statewide capacity and improve the quality of services delivered to those experiencing homelessness.

If you are currently experiencing homelessness and need assistance, call 2-1-1 and visit the Mi Bridges website for additional resources. 

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About Us

About and our mission.

Training & Events

Training and events information.



Resources for the Public

Information and resources for the public.

Resources for Providers

Information and resources for providers.



