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Minority Health Data Reports

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveys

Minority Health BRFS Surveys

The OEMH helped fund stand-alone Behavioral Risk Factor Surveys (BRFS) on specific racial/ethnic populations within Michigan. For full reports and summary reports click on the link above.

Michigan BRFS Race/Ethnicity Tables

Michigan BRFS Race/Ethnicity Tables

Pregnancy and Infant Health Indicators among Asian and Pacific Islanders in Michigan

The 2016 report provides maternal and infant health outcomes by specific Asian/Pacific Islander groups in Michigan.

Full Report         Summary

additional Data Projects

2018 Michigan Health Equity Status Report Data Update

2018 Michigan Health Equity Status Report Data Update

Michigan Health Equity Status Report

Michigan's first health equity status report, focusing on maternal and child health.

Michigan Health Equity Status Report

Mortality Rates by Race and Ethnicity Slides

Mortality Rates by Race and Ethnicity Slides


Contact information

For more information, contact:

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Equity and Minority Health
Brenda J. Jegede, Manager