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Health Information Technology Commission

Overview of Health IT and the Commission

The Michigan Health Information Technology ("Health IT") Commission was created by Public Act 137 of 2006. The Health IT Commission is housed within the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). The Commission's mission is to facilitate and promote the design, implementation, operation, and maintenance of an interoperable health care information infrastructure in Michigan. For additional information on health IT and the commission, please click the link below.

Full Overview

Documents and Information

  • Each year, the commission is required to submit recommendations to the Michigan Legislature. This page compiles HIT Commission annual reports. 

    View Annual Reports

  • This page, developed by Altarum, features tools and a video series to help providers navigate the complexity of consent and confidentiality regulations around the release and exchange of protected health information.

    Protected Health Information Consent Tool

  • At the request of the HIT Commission, the Michigan Multipayer Group created an inventory of incentives available to hospitals, physicians, and other organizations participating in health information exchange. The incentives help support the infrastructure needed to provide safe, timely, and equitable care for all Michiganders. 

    Michigan Multipayer HIE Incentive Table