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Community Health Information

Michigan Community Health Information

The Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics provides frequently requested regional health data through the Community Health Information website. Through this site, the user may view natality, mortality, hospitalizations, cancer incidence and other health statistics by Michigan's counties and local health departments. In addition, some vital statistics data may be available by cities and townships.

Two versions of the site exist. One site uses scripting to view the data as you select it; another version does not use scripting and is intended to be more accessible. Both sites provide the same data and you may use either site according to your preference.

Michigan Community Health Information Start Page
(Frame-free, javascript-free, accessible version)

County and Local Health Department Tables by Topic

Topic Description
ACS Hospitalizations Numbers and rates for preventable hospitalizations such as asthma, diabetes or congestive heart failure by sex and age.
Birth & Fertility Trends Trends of fertility and birth characteristics.
Birth Characteristics Birth counts and percents by birth characteristics, birth weights, prenatal care. Estimated pregnancies by age.
Birth Defects Birth defects cases by diagnosis.
Cancer Trends Breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer incidence and mortality rates. Statistics by age, sex and stage at diagnosis.
County Profiles Profiles of county and state vital events statistics presented in a one page summary form.
Fatal Injuries Counts of deaths due to external causes, such as accidents, homicides and suicides.
Infant Mortality Trends of infant death, neontal, postneonatal and low birthweight mortality rates.
Leading Hospitalizations Numbers, distributions and rates by leading causes of hospitalization by sex and age.
Medical Procedures Numbers, rates and percents of common medical procedures at short-stay hospitals.
Mortality & Poverty Numbers, rates and averages of leading causes of death by census tract poverty.
Mortality Characteristics Death counts and rates by age and sex for leading causes of death and for selected causes of death. Years of potential life lost tables.
Mortality Trends Trends of death rates for 14 leading causes of death, by age group.
Population Estimates Population estimates by age, race and sex.
Provisional Death Rates Provisional twelve-month ending in quarter mortality rates.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Trends of chlamydia, gonorrhea, primary and secondary syphilis by sex and age.