
Editorial cartoon for July 22, 2024

Of letters, sausages and a bounty of fish

Editorial 4 minute read Preview

Of letters, sausages and a bounty of fish

Editorial 4 minute read 2:00 AM CDT

Let’s talk sausages. And fish. And letters. We get letters. Lots of letters to the editor, some of which we can print, some we can’t.

2:00 AM CDT

Robert F. Bukaty/ Associated Press Files

A codfish — but what is its opinion on the prime minister?

Cleanup of river sewage met with silence

Dave Taylor 5 minute read Preview

Cleanup of river sewage met with silence

Dave Taylor 5 minute read 2:00 AM CDT

Winnipeg is experiencing a very wet year, so wet in fact that the rivers are rising and the riverbank vegetation can be described as jungle-like. High water has delivered a current clearly evident in the Red River’s flow to Lake Winnipeg.

2:00 AM CDT

MIKE DEAL / Free Press Files

Kayakers on the Red River during training at the Manitoba Canoe and Kayak Centre.

A dash of mortality sprinkled among colourful fields of tulips

Jen Zoratti 4 minute read Preview

A dash of mortality sprinkled among colourful fields of tulips

Jen Zoratti 4 minute read Updated: 6:32 AM CDT

In April, I was fortunate enough to be able to check off a major bucket-list item for me: see the tulips in the Netherlands.

Like wooden clogs, windmills and Miffy, the minimalist white bunny created by Dutch artist/children’s book author Dick Bruna, tulips are deeply embedded in the iconography of the Netherlands. They are not a native species but rather a coveted 17th-century import from the Ottoman Empire that ushered in “tulip mania,” which is now a business phrase to describe large economic bubbles and bursts.

As a spring baby, I have always loved tulips. For me, they symbolize renewal and birth, the beginnings of things.

And so, in mid-April — which is peak tulip season — I made the trip to Keukenhof, one of the largest flower gardens in the world, with one of my oldest friends. It’s about a 35-minute bus ride from Amsterdam and is only open for eight short glorious weeks when the tulips burst into bloom.

Updated: 6:32 AM CDT

Holland’s Keukenhof gardens (Jen Zoratti / Free Press files)

Letters, July 22

7 minute read Preview

Letters, July 22

7 minute read Updated: 8:01 AM CDT

Interesting that the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is critical of recent hirings in the public service including correctional officers, sheriffs and social workers. None of the positions listed in the article paid more than $70,000 per year. Pretty hard to argue these positions don’t provide vital services.

Updated: 8:01 AM CDT


NDP Finance Minister Adrien Sala, calls the hirings “a good news story.”

Indigenous-led solution to universal crisis

Niigaan Sinclair 5 minute read Preview

Indigenous-led solution to universal crisis

Niigaan Sinclair 5 minute read Friday, Jul. 19, 2024

Last week, the Manitoba government announced the fulfilment of an election promise, pledging $727,000 to support the development of an Indigenous-led supervised consumption site downtown, near Main Street, in 2025.

Manitoba is the only province west of Atlantic Canada without a supervised consumption site. People experiencing addiction use the sites to inject or otherwise use drugs in a non-judgmental environment. This prevents overdoses and deaths and provides access to supports necessary to escape substance abuse.

Such “wraparound” supports usually include mental health care, employment and skill training, and the facilitation of a healthy network or relationships necessary for a “clean,” balanced lifestyle.

Since Canada’s first safe consumption site in Vancouver opened in 2003, health advocates have argued that for a minimal cost, most such initiatives reduce crime, death and the spread of diseases such as HIV while providing health care and opportunities to those who need it most.

Friday, Jul. 19, 2024


Housing, Addictions and Homelessness Minister Bernadette Smith said staff are working with a real estate agent to find the right location for the supervised consumption site.

God, country and Donald John Trump

Charles Adler 5 minute read Preview

God, country and Donald John Trump

Charles Adler 5 minute read Updated: Yesterday at 9:14 AM CDT

A friend wanted to go for coffee a couple of nights ago. It prompted me to respond with the three most spoken words in the English language, “No, thank you.” But the person persisted.

So I said the timing did not work because Donald Trump was speaking at the Republican Convention that night. I was writing a column about it the following day for the Saturday edition of this newspaper. My friend said coffee on Thursday night was a much better idea than preparing a column about a person everyone in Winnipeg hates. I thought to myself, how Trumpian that sounded — positively hyperbolic.

I’m confident the majority of people who read this newspaper are not Trump supporters. But I am equally confident that many in Winnipeg and many others reading this in Manitoba do indeed admire the former president, who, the data tells us, is on the road to another four years in the White House.

As of this moment, his opponent, U.S. President Joe Biden, is either fighting off or surrendering to the campaign inside his own party to replace him as the Democratic Party nominee. But I digress.

Updated: Yesterday at 9:14 AM CDT

Tribune News Service

Republican presidential candidate former U.S. president Donald Trump is rushed offstage by Secret Service agents after being grazed by a bullet during a campaign rally last Saturday in Butler, Pa.

More Opinion

Letters, July 20

7 minute read Saturday, Jul. 20, 2024

Kinew’s false arguments

Re: Kinew urges Ottawa to speed up plans to hike defence spending (July 18)

First of all, Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew is actually aligned with the once-socialist federal NDP, which in the last 30 years pledged to spend more on the military than Canada’s two traditional parties of Big Business, the Liberals and Conservatives.

Kinew’s dangerous plea for faster growth of military spending is littered with false arguments.

Of babies and bathwater

Editorial 4 minute read Preview

Of babies and bathwater

Editorial 4 minute read Saturday, Jul. 20, 2024

It’s the little things that matter, and on those, the City of Winnipeg talks tough enough.

Here, for example, is what it says you have to do with your yard.

“The owner/occupant of a property is responsible for the maintenance of their property, which includes the conditions of the grounds, fence and accessory buildings.

“For example: noxious weeds must be controlled on a property; fences must be maintained in weather-resistant condition by application of paint or preservative and kept in good condition; properties must be free from any accumulation of dog or animal wastes; properties must be maintained so that litter, refuse or other debris do not accumulate so as to be unsightly; properties must kept free of derelict vehicles or auto parts; accessory buildings must be maintained and be protected with a weather-resistant paint or preservative.”

Saturday, Jul. 20, 2024


Boarded-up houses, Elgin Avenue.

Changes to alternative minimum tax scary for charities

David Christianson 4 minute read Saturday, Jul. 20, 2024

How would you like to play a game where there are two sets of rules? And where you’re never really sure which set is going to apply to you?

Doesn’t sound like my idea of either fun or good sportsmanship. However, that’s what Canadian taxpayers go through every year, whether they know it or not.

Every tax return filed each year is also subject to an alternate calculation, with a different set of rules. This is known as the Alternative Minimum Tax or AMT calculation.

The AMT takes a variety of completely legal and policy-endorsed deductions — like the capital gains exemption on the sale of a qualifying private business, which was recently increased in the 2024 budget — and then reduces their effectiveness to see if the taxpayer can be charged more under the alternate calculation.