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Free Press Patron

Readers like you are key to securing a future for our independent journalism

Free Press Patrons help keep our journalism independent

The Free Press is one of the largest independent newspapers in Canada; we aren’t owned by a large media company with dozens of titles under its umbrella. Our coverage decisions are our own and we are beholden to no one except you, our subscribers and readers, for whom we work to bring trustworthy local journalism every single day.

By becoming a Free Press Patron through an annual contribution of $150, you not only show you care enough about your community to play an even bigger part in our mission to deliver trusted information, but you also unlock a series of exclusive benefits as a show of appreciation for your extended support.

Join now to safeguard the future of the Free Press and journalism that matters with a gift of $150.

Become a Patron

The digital revolution offers more but also less. We have more sources of information than ever before, but less civic-minded journalism. We see more perspectives, but less fairness, less balance and less accountability. The heavy lifting of journalism is what the Free Press does every single day. No one else comes close to the depth and breadth of coverage of news, sports, arts and business that our newsroom delivers. No one else invests as much as we do in maintaining bureaus, and boots-on-the-ground reporters able to write with authority and credibility. Facebook, Google and TikTok and the rest of those in Silicon Valley will never bother to do what this newspaper has done and will continue to do in the Red River Valley.

Paul Samyn, Editor
-Paul Samyn, Editor

Read Paul’s column launching the Free Press Patron program here.

Paul Samyn, Editor Paul Samyn, Editor

I dread the thought of ever losing the Free Press, please maintain the good reporting you do for this city.
Dennis Ogden

A truly independent press that publishes factual stories and presents a diversity of opinions is hugely important in a democracy. I think the Winnipeg Free Press is doing a very good job informing readers and balancing op ed points of view. I am happy to support that work by becoming a WFP patron.
Jane MacLatchy

I am appreciative that we have a newspaper here in Winnipeg that we can rely on to bring us news that we can rely on to be factual. We are kept informed on a variety of subjects and events of interest. During the worst days as Covid ran rampant here, I was able to put my trust in the daily newsletter from Paul Samyn as a base to make decisions on how best to keep safe and healthy. Thank you for your continued excellence, and I look forward to continuing my subscription for another 40 years.
Marie Nault

As a Free Press patron, your generosity will also allow you to access a wide-range of benefits, including:

  • The ability to gift a one-year, all-access digital subscription to the person of your choice, and a discounted subscription rate code to share with additional friends and family members.
  • Concierge-style customer service to respond to any of your inquiries from subscription information to editorial concerns.
  • Regular impact updates via a new newsletter exclusive to patrons which outlines how your contribution is helping sustain our journalistic mission.
  • A monthly calendar of free events that will strengthen the connection between patrons and our journalists, whether it is attending a Jets game with one of our hockey writers, tickets to the Free Press table at a gala or a tour of the Free Press with Editor Paul Samyn
Become a Patron

Note: As the Free Press is not a registered charity, we are unable to provide taxable receipts for your gift.

Niigaan Sinclair, Columnist

I am proud of the work I produce and those I produce it with. For the first time in history, the Free Press truly embodies Manitoba in all of its complicated and complex parts, and it is better for it.

– Niigaan Sinclair, columnist (joined the Free Press in 2018)

Become a Free Press patron

Join from $150 a year

You can choose to support us with a one-time or recurring yearly contribution of $150 or more. Your Patron status helps us in many specific ways, including:

  • Allowing us to allocate resources into investigative, long-form journalism
  • Ensuring we can continue to offer the broadest breadth and depth of coverage in the province
  • Moving us toward our goal of a reader-funded newsroom
Become a Patron

At a time when other newsrooms across Canada are sadly shuttering or shrinking, the Free Press remains committed to supporting in-depth investigative journalism. It is a privilege and an honour to work at a paper dedicated to holding power to account and uncovering the truth, benefiting all Manitobans.

– Katrina Clarke, investigative reporter (joined the Free Press in 2022)

Katrina Clarke, investigative reporter

Have questions?

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a Free Press Patron before joining, you can contact us at, and we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.