
Travel Search Engine Skyscanner Review

Julien Brault 10 minute read Tuesday, May. 21, 2024

Travel search engines have become hugely popular in recent years, offering a quick and easy way for users to compare flights and travel packages to find the very best deals. And when it comes to travel search engines, Skyscanner is one of the biggest and best-known names in the business. Read our Skyscanner review to see how well this travel search engine compares to the competition. An overview of Skyscanner Let’s start off with a brief introduction. What is Skyscanner? Well, Skyscanner is one of the world’s leading flight, hotel, and car rental search engines. It allows users to search […]


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The 7 Best Car Beds for Your Next Road Trip in Canada

Houda Zaoui 13 minute read Preview

The 7 Best Car Beds for Your Next Road Trip in Canada

Houda Zaoui 13 minute read Monday, May. 20, 2024

You want to trek through the wilds of Canada and you also want some creature comforts to enjoy during the trip. Hiking might be something you enjoy, but if you want to tour the entire country, you’ll need a car. Camping doesn’t sound too appealing, either. There’s the whole rigmarole of setting up a tent, as well as finding campsites and dealing with the biting bugs that come with sleeping in the great outdoors. Your solution – car beds. It’s legal to sleep in your car anywhere in Canada (it’s a good idea to avoid crowded areas when you do) […]

Monday, May. 20, 2024

30 Tips to Travel the World on the Cheap in 2024

Julien Brault 19 minute read Preview

30 Tips to Travel the World on the Cheap in 2024

Julien Brault 19 minute read Tuesday, May. 14, 2024

Traveling the world can seem out of reach in 2024. The economy is tight, individual disposable income is shrinking, and people have to work more hours just to make ends meet.

It may come as a shock, therefore, to learn that there are people out there able to travel the world on a tight budget because they have put in the work to make the travel system work in their favour.

These 30 hints, tricks, and tips are great starting points to begin your next great adventure and be the envy of your friends, thanks to your Insta-worthy travel snaps from all over the globe:

1. Credit card pointsThe most expensive aspect of seeing the world is often transportation. You can reduce hotel costs by staying in hostels, but a flight from Canada to Europe will still be expensive.

Tuesday, May. 14, 2024

The 5 Best Travel Insurance Companies in Canada

Julien Brault 4 minute read Preview

The 5 Best Travel Insurance Companies in Canada

Julien Brault 4 minute read Tuesday, May. 14, 2024

When travellers think about travel insurance, many different ideas may come to mind. If you purchase a policy from your airline, it may only cover what may go wrong from airport to airport. And while you may have some coverage through a credit card, the coverage is often limited in scope. How can Canadians find the best travel insurance for their needs? What should you be shopping for when looking for the perfect policy? We did the research, and here are the best travel insurance companies in Canada. What Should I Look for When Shopping for a Travel Insurance Plan? Not all […]

Tuesday, May. 14, 2024