Department of Health

Emergency Response Planning Tool in Victorian general practice

Strengthening Victoria's emergency response in general practice

The department has provided fully subsidised access to the Emergency Response Planning Tool (ERPT) for Victorian general practices since 2019.

The ERPT is managed by Healthpoint ANZ . It was developed in collaboration with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).

The project recognises the important role that general practice plays in the community response to emergencies. Emergencies can often impact on business continuity and a practice's ability to provide essential healthcare services in times of increased community demand.

Since 2019, the department has been working with Primary Health Networks (PHNs) to encourage general practices to register for free access to the ERPT. The ERPT is a cloud-based tool that assists practices to prepare for, respond to and recover from the impacts of an emergency.

Nearly 800 Victorian general practices have registered for and started using the ERPT to build their emergency response capability. Using the tool to build an emergency response plan also meets practice accreditation requirements.

All Victorian general practices can access the ERPT free of charge until 31 December 2023 via the ERPT website

To learn more about accessing the ERPT, the onboarding process or to register your practice, visit the ERPT website or contact your Primary Health Network.

Reviewed 14 June 2023
