Department of Health

About the charter

This Charter has been developed by leaders, for leaders. It outlines the behaviours identified as most important to position the department to achieve its outcomes through 2020 and beyond and create a positive workplace. These are the behaviours our staff and stakeholders can expect of the executive leadership group.

As a leader, I will

  • Do what I say I am going to do
  • Be visible and accountable for my actions and decisions
  • Recognise good work and acknowledge good behaviour
  • Encourage innovation and support my staff to be career curious
  • Be fair, supportive and encouraging of staff in their work and their ongoing development
  • Promote the department’s commitment as a learning organisation by growing leaders and fostering mobility
  • Promote a respectful and supportive workplace by dealing promptly with poor performance, conflict and inappropriate behaviour
  • Champion a diverse, inclusive culture
  • Role model and respond positively to flexible working
  • Regularly give and seek feedback from staff and shareholders
  • Be open and transparent with staff by sharing available information readily
  • Actively manage staff workloads to provide a safe, healthy and engaging work environment
  • Work collaboratively with colleagues in the department, across government and with partners outside government.

As a collective leadership group, we will

  • Look out for each other and be kind
  • Deliver on the department’s shared vision
  • Proactively progress our strategic directions
  • Contribute to robust debate and own the agreed decision
  • Present a consistent and united view to our staff and partners
  • Work as one, sharing the load and helping each other succeed
  • Keep the needs of the people we serve at the centre of everything we do
  • Constantly reinforce the importance of high quality services that support the safety and wellbeing of our clients
  • Call each other on inappropriate behaviour when we see it
  • Collaborate with our partners and stakeholders to identify and support person-centred innovation
  • Plan for longer term success as a steward of the VPS
  • Ensure responsiveness to Ministers and their offices.

In all that we do, we will live by our values

  • Responsiveness
  • Integrity
  • Impartiality
  • Accountability
  • Respect
  • Leadership
  • Human Rights

Reviewed 21 October 2021
