Department of Health

The current system to refer to specialist clinics is difficult to navigate and can result in inconsistencies in access. To address these issues, the department is undertaking a series of reforms to specialist clinics.

In partnership with health services, general practitioners and Primary Health Networks we have commenced work on defining statewide referral criteria for common presenting problems. The goal of this work is to:

    Specialist clinics reforms, including statewide referral criteria, improved transparency for referrers, policy refresh and improved data collection.
  • improve the quality of communication between referring clinicians and health services
  • clarify when a referral to a public specialist clinic is required and the information that should be contained in the referral
  • make sure referrals are sent to the right place the first time
  • ensure health services receive the right information on referral documentation to assess, accept and prioritise referrals
  • provide certainty that each patient will be seen by the right specialist service for their condition

A statewide directory of specialist clinics will be developed so that referring clinicians can easily find specialist services – this will support patient choice and make it easier to find out which services are available at each hospital.

The reform program will also improve specialist clinics’ data to help us monitor health service performance and to better understand demand.

This page will continue to be updated with information about the reform program.

Please email the team if you would like more information.

Reviewed 21 June 2018


Contact details

Program and policy enquiries for the Special Clinics Program

Specialist Clinics Program Department of Health & Human Services