Department of Health

Public Dental and Community Health Program funding model review

Recent reports by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) have recommended reviewing the pricing and funding model for the Public Dental Program and the Community Health Program. Building on these recommendations, we have commissioned a two-part project: Community Health Funding Model Development and Dental Service Funding Model Review.

This project is being led by Aspex Consulting and KPMG and will aim to develop an appropriate and effective funding model for both Victorian public dental and community health services. This forms part of our approach to improving the way services are funded and ensuring that funding approaches facilitate greater flexibility and recognition of client complexity.

We are committed to working in partnership with agencies to ensure we develop a revised funding model that works for service providers and their workforce and facilitates a greater focus on outcomes for people.

What will the project involve?

The project will include a range of concurrent activities, including:

  • An environmental scan considering existing policies, frameworks and program documentation, as well as a targeted jurisdictional scan to identify relevant funding/pricing model innovations
  • Collection and analysis of cost and activity data from select dental and community health providers (study participants), including some organisations that provide both dental and community health services
  • Site visits with a subset of the study participants to explore and validate the data collected
  • Developing and testing funding model options
  • Reporting, including implementation planning for the preferred funding model option.

More information

See the Project overview and questions and answers document in downloads

Email Louise Galloway, Director Primary Care, Dental and Drugs

Phone 9096 5238

We will provide bulletins throughout the project to keep the sector up to date with progress.

Reviewed 10 December 2019
