Department of Health

Freedom of Information Part II - Information Statements

The Department of Health (the department) oversees the portfolios of Health and Ambulance Services, Mental Health and Ageing portfolios.

The department also plays a vital role in the coronavirus (COVID-19) response and recovery efforts.

The statements below are a statutory requirement under the FOI Act. The purposes of the statements are to:

  • provide a snapshot of the types of information and documents that the department holds;
  • outline how to access this information and locate publicly available information; and
  • inform the public how to make a request for access under the FOI Act.

The statements below are not an exhaustive list of all the information that is publicly available.

Some information held by the department (such as patient records) is not publicly available due its personal and sensitive nature. Personal information can be accessed directly through Freedom of Information processes.

Details of how to make a request to the department can be found on the Making a Freedom of Information request webpage.

For more information about Freedom of Information in Victoria, visit the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner’s website .

Part II Statements

Statement One - Organisation and function

The Department of Health is a Victorian Government department that plans, funds and delivers a world-class healthcare system that meets the changing health needs of all Victorians by focusing on people first.

Ministerial portfolios within the department include Health, Ambulance Services, Mental Health and Ageing.

To find further information on the services within the department, see the Our services webpage.

Statement Two - Categories of documents

The Department of Health creates, collects and publishes a range of data as a result of its work. The department uses a number of electronic document and records management systems in order to classify, store, access and manage this broad range of documents.

Under section 7 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, an agency must publish a statement of the categories of documents it maintains. This statement broadly describes the documents held by the department.

The types of documents that the department holds include:

  • policy, procedures and standards:
    • administrative materials – corporate/operational, boards, committees
    • compliance materials – reports, responses
    • instructional materials – standards, policies, procedures, guidelines
    • program materials – initiation, operations, evaluation
    • project materials – initiation, governance, management
    • training and educational material
  • briefings and reports:
    • for example, briefs to relevant Ministers, the Secretary and Deputy or Associate Secretaries
  • registers:
    • compliance and operational
  • correspondence:
    • corporate and Ministerial
    • emails or letters
  • meeting records:
    • meeting minutes and agendas
  • financial records:
    • grants
    • remuneration and salaries
    • procurement materials – tenders, Expressions of Interest, contracts
  • human resource management:
    • recruitment, payroll, employee records, HR data/statistics

Personal documents can include:

  • Mental Health records;
  • Fairfield Infectious Disease Hospital records;
  • Psychiatric records; or
  • SafeScripts

The documents are organised according to a departmental business classification scheme and include:

  • administration
  • employee support and management
  • financial management
  • legal services
  • policies and procedures
  • service provision
  • public health
  • infectious diseases
  • area summaries
  • alcohol and drugs
  • employee support and management
  • budget planning.

The above examples are not an exhaustive list and provide a snapshot of information available.

To find further information on a specific topic and search for documents and resources relating to the department:

Statement Three - Freedom of information arrangements

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, the public has the right to request access to documents relating to their personal affairs and departmental activities.

Freedom of Information (FOI) requests must be lodged in writing to the relevant agency in possession of the documents. Requests for documents in the possession of the Department of Health can be made to:

Alternatively, you may send an application to the Freedom of Information unit at the following address:

Freedom of Information unit
Department of Health
GPO Box 4057
Melbourne Victoria 3001

Further information about making a request for access to documents is available on this page:

Before you make a request for access

You are encouraged to check if the information or document you are seeking is already publicly available, such as in our annual report, on the Department of Health website or via the Discover and access Victorian Government open data webpage .

If you cannot find the information or document you are seeking, please contact us and ask if the information or document is available or can be provided to you. In many instances we will be able to provide you with the information without requiring you to make a formal request for access.

Statement Four – Publications

The Department of Health produces a wide range of publications, many of which can be accessed on the department’s Publications webpage.

Statement Five - Rules policies and procedures

There are rules, policies and procedures in place to govern the daily operations of the department, for example:

  • procedure manuals
  • policies, guidelines and protocols
  • plans, programs and projects
  • codes of conduct.

For information on our privacy policy, see the Privacy statement webpage.

Statement Six – Governance and Reporting

The Department of Health publishes final versions of reports and records of decisions relating to policy.

Annual reports

The department’s annual reports detail how the department has met its objectives and highlights key achievements for the reporting period. Each report is tabled in parliament, in accordance with the provisions for the Financial Management Act 1994.

Published annual reports for the department are available on the Annual report - Department of Health webpage.

For further information

To request further information, please see Contact us

Or contact the Freedom of Information unit:

Making a Freedom of Information request

Reviewed 25 June 2022
