Department of Health

Key messages

  • Newborn bloodspot screening allows babies at risk of uncommon but potentially serious medical conditions to receive prompt treatment.
  • A national policy to support newborn bloodspot screening is being developed.
  • Newborn bloodspot screening is commonly referred to as the 'heel prick test'.

The newborn bloodspot screening program is available to all babies in Victoria.

Commonly referred to as the ‘heel prick test’, newborn bloodspot screening identifies babies at risk of uncommon but potentially serious medical conditions, enabling prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Newborn bloodspot screening is an extremely successful public health program conducted worldwide. It helps to prevent avoidable disability and is an important component of early child healthcare.

The screening program is delivered by the department in partnership with the Victorian Clinical Genetics Services.

Policy framework

The newborn bloodspot screening policy framework, a national policy to support newborn bloodspot screening programs, is currently being developed.

Reviewed 07 June 2024
