Department of Health

Health system design and service planning i needs to both inform and be informed by the complementary service and locality planning which is taking place across local, state and Commonwealth government agencies.

Primary Health Networks (PHNs) have been established across Australia by the Commonwealth government, five in Victoria. Each PHN is involved in assessing local needs and planning primary care service delivery to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical and support services for patients, particularly those at risk of poor health outcomes, and improve the coordination of care to ensure patients receive the right care in the right place at the right time.

Links to the main planning resources and documents of each PHN in Victoria are provided below.

The Victorian government has also established nine new Regional Partnerships across regional and rural Victoria to give local communities a greater say about what matters to them and ensure their voices reach the heart of government.

Each Regional Partnership is guided by a diverse group of members drawn from local communities, businesses and the three-tiers of government. Members will be engaging with their communities on priorities for their region, building on existing strategies and plans. Priorities will be presented directly to the Victorian Government’s Rural and Regional Ministerial Committee.

Metropolitan Partnerships have also been established to look at the strategic priorities communities across Melbourne have identified themselves and progress them locally as well as through government decision making processes. There will be six Metropolitan Partnerships covering inner metro, inner south-east, western, northern, eastern and southern regions.

Links to the Metropolitan and Regional Partnership sites are provided below.

Needs assessment

PHN Needs Assessment Guide

Western Victoria PHN needs assessment

North Western Melbourne PHN community profiles & needs assessment

Eastern Melbourne PHN commissioning & needs assessment and commissioning framework

South Eastern Melbourne PHN needs assessment

Gippsland PHN needs assessment

Murray PHN needs assessment

PHN profiles

Eastern Melbourne

North Western Melbourne

South Eastern Melbourne



Western Victoria

PHN data

Primary Health Networks data

Primary Mental Health Care planning

Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Dataset

PHN Mental Health Tools & Resources

Victorian Government - Metropolitan Partnerships

Regional Development Victoria - Regional Partnerships

Engage Victoria - Regions

Barwon Regional Partnership

Regional Development Victoria - Barwon

Engage Victoria - Barwon

Central Highlands Regional Partnership

Regional Development Victoria - Central Highlands

Engage Victoria - Central Highlands

Gippsland regional Partnership

Regional Development Victoria - Gippsland

Engage Victoria - Gippsland Regional Partnership

Goulburn Regional Partnership

Regional Development Victoria - Goulburn

Engage Victoria - Goulburn

Great South Coast Regional Partnership

Regional Development Victoria - Great South Coast

Engage Victoria - Great South Coast

Loddon Campaspe Regional Partnership

Regional Development Victoria - Loddon Campaspe

Engage Victoria - Loddon Campaspe

Wimmera Southern Mallee Regional Partnership

Regional Development Victoria - Mallee

Engage Victoria - Mallee

Ovens Murray Regional Partnership

Regional Development Victoria - Ovens Murray

Engage Victoria - Ovens Murray

Regional Development Victoria - Wimmera Southern Mallee

Engage Victoria - Wimmera Southern Mallee

Reviewed 12 September 2023
