Department of Health

Community health services for specific population groups

All Victorians have the right to experience optimal health and wellbeing. Victoria's health system is for everyone in our community.

The department works to reduce health inequality though programs and initiatives that promote access to high-quality health care for all Victorians.

Community health services in Victoria prioritise access for populations, families and children with the greatest risk of poor health outcomes and with the greatest economic and social needs, who may face barriers to accessing care through other services and settings.

Priority groups are reflected in the eligibility criteria for the Community Health Program; these are:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • refugees and people seeking asylum
  • people, including children and young people how are homeless or at risk of homelessness
  • children in care, child protection, Orange Door and ChildFIRST clients.

Reviewed 11 July 2023
