Department of Health

Sector leadership, talent management and succession planning

The CEO Leadership Capability Framework

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has recently developed a CEO Leadership Capability Framework (the Framework). This was in response to an identified need to create a strategy for talent management and CEO succession planning and capability in Victoria’s health system.

The Framework will support DHHS and health service board chairs to clearly articulate the expected skills and behaviours of CEOs, and to support leadership development, recruitment and retention across Victoria’s health system.

The Framework comprises three key elements:

  • personal qualities
  • leadership capabilities and behaviours
  • health system leader requirements and role-specific requirements.

The behaviours and capabilities articulated in the Framework are:

  • shaping the future
  • cultivating relationships
  • delivering service quality
  • activating operational excellence.

The Framework was drafted by reviewing and synthesising material based on:

  • global best practice capability approaches
  • existing Victorian capability frameworks in health
  • feedback from the pilot CEO leadership capability assessment and development centre day
  • the context of the Victorian health system and its vision
  • sector feedback
  • specialist expertise in talent management and capability frameworks.

The Framework supports the identification, development and management of CEO talent across the Victorian health system. The Framework will assist in the identification and development of talented candidates, as well as broader succession planning and management in the system.

Other leadership resources

Safer Care Victoria (SCV) is also investing in current and future healthcare leaders by increasing its support through offering leadership development opportunities. Their dynamic, experience-based programs aim to build an inclusive culture that supports patient safety, service quality, improvement and innovation; and will complement the CEO talent pool and leadership development currently offered to staff by health services. Further information on SCV's programs can be found at the Better Safer Care website .

The Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) has a number of resources to support leadership in the public sector. In particular, the Victorian Leadership Academy (VLA) is a new model to support leadership development aligned to the future needs of the sector. Its goal is to equip leaders with the required skills and capabilities to operate in an increasingly complex and changeable environment, and to deliver on the Government's priorities for Victoria. Further information on VPSC development opportunities and resources can be found at the VPSC website .

Reviewed 17 October 2019


Contact details

CEO nominations Department of Health & Human Services