Department of Health

My Aged Care assessment services

Key messages

  • Assessment services help older people and their carers to identify care that best meets their needs and access Commonwealth Government services for older people.
  • Assessment services are independent multidisciplinary teams which can include health professionals such as medical officers, social workers, nurses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists.
  • Regional Assessment Services (RAS) assess people for eligibility for entry level home help services through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP).
  • Aged Care Assessment Services (ACAS) assess people for eligibility to access higher level services, including Commonwealth funded residential aged care, Home Care Packages, or residential respite care.
  • Following the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the Commonwealth government will be introducing a new integrated assessment model and in home care program. A staged implementation is planned.

An assessment is required to access Commonwealth Government funded services for older people (aged 65 and over, and Aboriginal people aged 50 and over). Assessments determine a person's eligibility for services and assess their care and support needs.

There are two levels of assessment:

  • Regional Assessment Services (RAS) conduct Home Support Assessments to assess people for eligibility for entry level home help services through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP).
  • Aged Care Assessment Services (ACAS) conduct comprehensive assessments to assess people for eligibility to access higher level services, including Commonwealth-funded residential aged care, residential respite care, Transition Care Programme (TCP), Short Term Restorative Care Program, Home Care Packages, as well as the CHSP.

The Victorian Department of Health manages the delivery of the RAS and ACAS in Victoria on behalf of the Commonwealth Government.

Assessments are free of charge and can be requested by contacting My Aged Care . Information regarding aged care supports such as the Commonwealth Home Support Program, Home Care Packages Program,and Residential Aged Care services can be found on the My Aged Care website .

Services for younger people

People aged under 65 years should contact the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to test their eligibility to become a participant. Younger people (aged under 65 years or under 50 if Aboriginal) may also be eligible for the Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACC-PYP).

Assessing special needs in older people

Special needs are to be considered when an assessment is conducted.

A range of protocols and guidelines is in place to assist people with special needs to obtain the right level of care.

Reviewed 24 December 2021


Contact details

Aged Care Assessment, Victorian Department of Health