Department of Health

Key messages

  • The Victorian alcohol and other drug client charter outlines the rights and responsibilities of people who use public alcohol and other drug treatment services in Victoria, and the responsibilities of Victorian alcohol and other drug treatment service providers.
  • The charter provides information about what people can expect from publically funded treatment service providers.
  • Alcohol and other drug service providers and workers are responsible for providing a safe, accessible and professional service and treating clients with respect, dignity and courtesy.
  • A key role of service providers and workers is providing information to clients about their organisation and how to make a complaint, and involving them in decisions about their treatment.
  • A number of additional resources are available on this page to support people who need alcohol and other drug treatment, including key questions to ask when choosing a treatment service, and how to make a complaint.

About the client charter

The Victorian alcohol and other drug client charter outlines the rights and responsibilities of people who use public alcohol and other drug treatment services in Victoria.

The charter provides information about what people can expect from their treatment in these services. It also outlines what is expected of clients and the service providers that provide alcohol and other drug services.

The charter is based on the knowledge and experience of 160 service users who participated in focus groups held across Victoria.

What people can expect of alcohol and other drug services

People using Victorian alcohol and other drug services have the right to:

  • be provided a service in a safe environment
  • be provided a service in a fair, honest and non-judgemental manner
  • be provided a service that is friendly and respectful
  • be given adequate information on all available services and treatment
  • participate in all aspects of service provision
  • have information about them kept confidential unless disclosure is otherwise authorised
  • be provided with a timely and effective service that responds to their needs
  • make a complaint and have that complaint addressed efficiently
  • be provided culturally sensitive services that take into account their values and beliefs.

To help maintain a high standard of treatment, clients are expected to contribute to maintaining a safe environment and treating others with courtesy and respect. They are asked to participate in the treatment process to the best of their ability and, if necessary, follow the organisation’s complaints process.

What the client charter means for alcohol and other drug services

Alcohol and other drug services in Victoria are expected to deliver services in a way that is consistent with the charter. Services are responsible for:

  • treating clients with respect, dignity and courtesy
  • providing an accessible service that takes into account individual and cultural diversity
  • planning and developing treatment plans and strategies in collaboration with clients
  • achieving and maintaining appropriate standards of proficiency and participating in ongoing professional review and development
  • providing services in a safe environment and ensuring that duty of care is maintained
  • ensuring that client information is kept confidential unless disclosure is otherwise authorised
  • providing adequate information to clients about organisational and independent complaints processes
  • adhering to relevant professional and codes of conduct and ethics
  • complying with the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.


All Victorians who need help to treat an alcohol or other drug issue deserve safe, high-quality support. That's why the department has developed a range of factsheets and a poster to explain how alcohol and other drug services work, options for treatment and how to make a complaint. You can download, print or share these resources, available from the Downloads section on this page.

Victorian alcohol and other drug client charter in your language




Reviewed 02 January 2024
