Department of Health

Aboriginal Maternal and Child Health - Aboriginal-led MCH services

Aboriginal Maternal and Child Health (MCH) services in Aboriginal community controlled organisations

The Aboriginal Maternal and Child Health (MCH) program helps provide better health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. It gives them the choice to access MCH services at their local Aboriginal community-controlled organisation. This supports the delivery of services that are welcoming, respectful and safe. It strengthens self-determination in Aboriginal organisations.

The Aboriginal MCH program:

  • embeds self-determination as a core principle of MCH service delivery
  • recognises the importance of Aboriginal organisations in providing services to meet the health, wellbeing and safety aspirations of their local Aboriginal community
  • offers families choice and flexibility in how they access MCH services
  • includes place-based support tailored to families' needs
  • provides Aboriginal MCH services with the funding flexibility to offer enhanced MCH programs
  • provides a more intensive level of support for Aboriginal mothers, children and families at risk of poor outcomes
  • supports Aboriginal led partnerships between current MCH providers, new providers and local Aboriginal communities. These groups provide coordinated support and referral pathways for Aboriginal families and children.

The 2022-23 Victorian State Budget has committed ongoing funding for the Aboriginal MCH program.

Aboriginal MCH service providers

The Aboriginal MCH program is delivered by Aboriginal health services across the state:

  • Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service
  • Bendigo and District Aboriginal Cooperative
  • Bubup Wilam Aboriginal Child and Family Centre
  • First Peoples Health and Wellbeing (Frankston)
  • Gippsland and East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-Operative
  • Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Co-operative
  • Gunditjmara Aboriginal Cooperative
  • Mallee District Aboriginal Service (Mildura and Swan Hill)
  • Murray Valley Aboriginal Cooperative
  • Njernda Aboriginal Corporation
  • Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation
  • Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-Operative
  • Wathaurong Aboriginal Cooperative Ltd
  • Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation
  • Victoria Aboriginal Health Services Cooperation Limited (2 metro sites)

Reviewed 30 August 2022


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Aboriginal Maternal and Child Health