Department of Health

Health promotion

Funding community and women's health services.

Key messages

  • Health promotion aims to improve the health of the whole population and prevent the burden of diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
  • Agencies funded to deliver health promotion activities include health services, community health organisations and women's health organisations.
  • There are resources available to guide organisations in how they undertake health promotion work.

There is growing evidence worldwide of the benefits and effectiveness of investing in health promotion programs, that take a place-based and collaborative approach that align the work of all partners in local communities to deliver the best possible impacts for the community.

A place-based approach recognises that people and places are inter-related and that the places where people spend their time play an important role in shaping their health and well-being.

Funding for community and women's health services

Health Promotion is a funding source available to community and women's health-funded organisations across Victoria to support local delivery of evidence-based prevention and health promotion initiatives.

Over 100 community health services, small rural health services, women’s health organisations and statewide organisations are funded.

Current program guidelines are available to support organisations, see Community Health - Health Promotion program 2021-25.

Reviewed 02 December 2022
