Department of Health

Information and education for health service boards

Annual webinars and training sessions

Key messages

  • Training and skills workshops for board members are held annually across Victoria.
  • Videos of some workshop sessions are available online.

The department runs annual training sessions and provides online resources for skill building in governance, leadership, risk management and more.

Board Director Induction Training Series - Webinars 2023

The department hosts a series of webinars for new and reappointed directors of the boards of public health services and public hospitals.

Three webinars will be held during July to September 2023 focused on the induction of new directors. The webinars are also able to assist the knowledge of continuing directors.

The slide packs and webinar recordings are available below:

Session 1 - 13 July 2023: Health system overview


  • 19 September 2023
  • Duration: 1 hour 22 min

Slide pack


  • 11 October 2023
  • Duration: 1 hour 26 min

Slide pack

Session 3 - 20 September 2023: Funding and accountability

Slide pack

Clinical Governance Training

Clinical Governance training is conducted by Safer Care Victoria throughout the year across Metro Melbourne and regional Victoria.

For more information and training dates, visit the Safer Care Victoria website.

Risk management workshop for board members

The Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) provides training for board directors in applying risk management principles.

For more information, please visit the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority website.

Reviewed 14 January 2024


Contact us

Health Service Governance Unit Department of Health