Department of Health

Each year, over 75,000 women give birth in Victorian hospitals. Three-quarters of these births are in the public system.

Special care nurseries and neonatal intensive care support 10,000 babies each year.

The public maternity service system in Victoria includes:

  • metropolitan hospitals
  • regional and rural hospitals
  • emergency retrieval and referral services.

The public system also includes a small number of specialist hospitals, known as tertiary hospitals.

These hospitals assist women with complex or high-risk pregnancies. They also provide intensive care for newborns.

Maternity and newborn services user guide

This guide provides Victorian maternity and newborn services with service-specific tools and resources to strengthen clinical governance and quality and safety processes.

It has been developed by Safer Care Victoria and our department.

Find out more by visiting the Safer Care Victoria website.

Reviewed 12 March 2024


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Maternity and Newborn Program