Police assess new complaint over ex-SNP minister Michael Matheson who tried to bill the taxpayer for £11,000 iPad data charges run up by his children on holiday

Police are assessing a fresh complaint against ex-SNP minister Michael Matheson who tried to bill the taxpayer for £11,00 worth of data charges on an iPad run up by his children whilst on holiday. 

Mr Matheson has already been banned from the Scottish Parliament for 27 days after racking up the bill on the parliamentary device.  

The former Scottish Government health secretary initially said the device was used for work purposes before later confessing his teenage sons had used it as a wifi hotspot to stream football while they were on holiday in Morocco over Christmas in 2022.  

Mr Matheson says that initially, he had been unaware that his sons had used the iPad. 

The MSP for Falkirk West resigned from government in February. He also apologised to the parliament at Holyrood and paid back the bill.

The former Scottish Government health secretary initially said the device was used for work purposes before later confessing his teenage sons had used it as a wifi hotspot to stream football whilst on holiday in Morocco

The former Scottish Government health secretary initially said the device was used for work purposes before later confessing his teenage sons had used it as a wifi hotspot to stream football whilst on holiday in Morocco 

Police Scotland HQ in Glasgow (stock image). The force said no action was taken following an initial complaint last November but they are now looking at another one

Police Scotland HQ in Glasgow (stock image). The force said no action was taken following an initial complaint last November but they are now looking at another one

Police Scotland said no action was taken following an initial complaint last November but they are now looking at another one. 

A spokesperson for the force said: 'A complaint which had been received in November 2023 was assessed and no further action was taken.

'A further complaint has been received which is being assessed.'

Holyrood this week voted for touch sanctions which will see Mr Matheson suspended from Holyrood for 27 days and lose his MSP salary for twice that period - the heaviest sanction ever given out in the Scottish Parliament.

MSPs voted by 64 to zero to impose the punishment, although the 63 SNP MSPs abstained. 

In a statement released in the minutes after the vote, Mr Matheson said: 'I apologise and regret that this situation occurred. I acknowledge and accept the decision of Parliament.

'I also note that Parliament has called for the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body to carry out an independent review of the Parliament's complaints process to restore integrity and confidence in the Parliament and its procedures, which I hope will be progressed.

'I look forward to continuing to represent the people of Falkirk West, as I have done for many years.'

Holyrood this week voted for tough sanctions which will see Mr Matheson suspended from Holyrood for 27 days and lose his MSP salary for twice that period

Holyrood this week voted for tough sanctions which will see Mr Matheson suspended from Holyrood for 27 days and lose his MSP salary for twice that period

The leader of the Scottish Tories - Douglas Ross. Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said the latest development underlines First Minister John Swinney's 'shameful mishandling' of the matter

The leader of the Scottish Tories - Douglas Ross. Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said the latest development underlines First Minister John Swinney's 'shameful mishandling' of the matter

An SNP amendment highlighting the party's concerns that the committee which recommended the sanctions had been prejudiced, 'thereby bringing the Parliament into disrepute', was also passed.

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said the latest development underlines First Minister John Swinney's 'shameful mishandling' of the matter.

He said: 'Michael Matheson is not fit to be an MSP and should have the SNP whip removed immediately.

'But John Swinney won't do that because the SNP always put party before country.'

The SNP has been asked for comment.