Grant Denyer was left shocked on Tuesday night when he welcomed a very special contestant onto Deal or No Deal.

The gameshow host, 46, was gobsmacked when he picked Jack Thornton out of the crowd only to realise the man was almost twice his height.

Standing next to the 'gentle giant', the Channel 10 star, who is 5'5", barely reached the shoulder of Jack who boasts a whopping 6'11" in height. 

'I look like a goddamn ventriloquist doll,' Grant said, to which Jack had a hilarious response as he pretended to stick his hand up the back of the host's jacket.

'Don't put your hands up me,' the former Family Feud host promptly joked.

Elsewhere on the show, as Jack got down to $40,000 as the highest dollar amount to win, Grant expressed concern he may be 'thrown' across the stage.

He said to Jack: 'If you accidentally wipe out the $40,000, you're not going to pick me up and just throw me, are you?'

'I couldn't do it to you, you look too good in that suit,' Jack responded. 

Grant Denyer, 46, (pictured) was left shocked on Tuesday night when he welcomed a very special contestant onto Deal or No Deal

Grant Denyer, 46, (pictured) was left shocked on Tuesday night when he welcomed a very special contestant onto Deal or No Deal

'Okay, you can throw me but just please catch me. That's all I ask,' Grant said.

Jack then replied in the form of lyrics by a very popular love song, saying: 'If you fall, I'll catch you, I'll be waiting, time after time.'

The studio erupted into laughter as Grant pretended to swoon over Jack and told his partner Ruby, who was holding one of the cases, that they were 'in love'. 

The gameshow host was gobsmacked when he picked Jack Thornton out of the crowd only to realise the man was almost twice his height

The gameshow host was gobsmacked when he picked Jack Thornton out of the crowd only to realise the man was almost twice his height

'Once you sing Cyndi Lauper lyrics to someone, it's forever,' Grant said.

The height jokes reached their peak later in the episode when Jack lost some of the highest dollar amounts in the game show.

Grant offered to comfort the 'gentle giant' with a hug, but said he could only get his arms around one of Jack's legs. 

The host then got down on the ground and wrapped his body around the contestant's leg, with the pair saying it felt like he was a koala on a tree.